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Will Democrats Go All-In on EFCA?

| Posted in Secret Ballot Watch

The clock is winding down on the Obama Administration’s first year in office, and they have yet to pass the infamous Employee Free Choice Act – a measure that has proven unpopular with the American public, but that remains a top priority of the Administration’s staunch cheerleaders (not to mention financial backers), the union bosses. Apparently, the President and his liberal allies just cannot ge... Read more »

Who’s Doing the Scaring?

| Posted in Secret Ballot Watch

Earlier this week, President Obama unveiled a unique approach to economic recovery – accuse political foes of “scaring” away the jobs and look to the power of positive thinking to bring them back. “Today's meeting with Congressional leadership at the White House was intended to be a demonstration of bipartisanship as officials look to stimulate the economy. To President Obama, bipartisanship came ... Read more »

Kline Letter to Chairman George Miller

| Posted in Correspondence

Dear Chairman Miller: In recent months I have grown increasingly concerned by reports that Department of Education officials are improperly using taxpayer resources to advocate for the Administration’s proposal to eliminate the Federal Family Education Loan program. House and Senate Democrats have likewise questioned the Administration’s “aggressive outreach,” and the Wall Street Journal reported... Read more »

Kline Letter to U.S. Secretary of Education

| Posted in Correspondence

Dear Secretary Duncan: Three days ago, the Office of Management and Budget published the Open Government Initiative, which OMB Director Peter Orzag pledged “will help to make government more open, transparent, and accountable to bridge the gap between the American people and their government.” In fact, the Obama Administration has made openness and transparency a marquee promise to the American p... Read more »

EFCA Would Hinder Workplace Innovation

| Posted in Secret Ballot Watch

Americans know how to pull together during tough times to help out a neighbor in need. Just look to the Wyoming school district of West Michigan. Hearing that some of their co-workers would be laid off due to a lack of funds, several of the school district’s employees offered to take a cut to their own paychecks in order to free up some money. Unfortunately, as Michael D. Van Beek of the Mackinac ... Read more »

EFCA: Down But Not Out

| Posted in Secret Ballot Watch

As President Obama and Democrats try to spend their way out of this recession,they are ignoring the consequences of their job-killing agenda, including the uncertainty it fosters in an already troubled economy. In a blog post for FOXBusiness, Brian Sullivan reports on signs the Administration may be finally, grudgingly leaning toward some pro-growth policy initiatives on top of the tax, borrow, an... Read more »

Union Elections & Worker Choice

| Posted in Secret Ballot Watch

Supporters of the so-called Employee Free Choice Act have argued in favor of scrapping current workplace election rules in order to give – as their bill name implies – a “choice” to workers. Given that the public sign-up process known as “card check” is notorious for subjecting workers to the threat of intimidation, coercion, and retribution, the claim has always been dubious at best. Yet there’s ... Read more »

A Backdoor to Card Check

| Posted in Secret Ballot Watch

Union bosses and their allies in Washington have made it clear that they want to expand their powers to grow union membership – even if it means undermining a worker’s right to a secret ballot. It is not entirely clear how they plan to accomplish this misguided priority in the face of strong bipartisan opposition to the so-called Employee Free Choice Act on Capitol Hill. One particularly frighteni... Read more »

You Want Jobs? “Take ‘card check’ off the table”

| Posted in Secret Ballot Watch

With much fanfare, the Obama Administration held a “jobs summit” yesterday in an all but direct acknowledgement that their massive $787 billion so-called “stimulus” package had not produced the jobs they had promised. The White House invited a friendly audience to discuss how the government can help jumpstart the job market. Union leaders – regular visitors to the White House – were in attendance,... Read more »

EFCA vs. Jobs

| Posted in Secret Ballot Watch

As President Obama huddles at a White House jobs summit “packed with business leaders and economists supportive of White House policies,” it might be instructive to consider the economic consequences of the so-called Employee Free Choice Act. After all, the legislation remains a top priority for union bosses – some of whom will be attending today’s White House gathering. Consider an op-ed penned f... Read more »

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