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Hearing Recap: Teacher Prep Edition

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The struggle in communities around the country to hire and retain good teachers took center stage at today’s Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education Subcommittee hearing. The hearing, led by Chairman Aaron Bean (R-FL), identified the shortcomings in the teacher preparation system and examined potential ways to fix it. In the post Covid era, the struggles facing K-12 education are well... Read more »

Hearing Recap: FAFSA Edition (Part II)

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Today, the Higher Education and Workforce Development Subcommittee met to address the ongoing failure of the Biden-Harris administration’s attempt to implement the new Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). FAFSA is an essential resource for all students, especially low-income students, to know their financial aid eligibility. In 2020 and 2021, Congress enacted legislation setting July ... Read more »

Hearing Recap: Tipped Workers Edition

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Today, the Workforce Protections Subcommittee held a hearing concerning the Biden-Harris administration’s harmful rule that restricted the tip credit. The tip credit is a tool used in the service industry to manage labor costs effectively and maximize take-home pay for tipped workers. Under this system, employers can count a portion of an employee’s tips towards the employer’s obligation to meet t... Read more »

Hearing Recap: ERISA Edition (Part II)

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Today, the Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions Subcommittee held a hearing commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) and the critical role that employer-sponsored coverage plays in delivering high-quality, low-cost health care. ERISA is a pillar of the American health care system, and its employer-sponsored coverage framework supports over half t... Read more »

ICYMI: Biden-Harris Title IX Disaster Faceplants in Federal Court

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Since the first day the Biden-Harris administration proposed its new Title IX rule, the Committee has been on the frontlines fighting against it. Title IX is the bedrock legal protection for women, yet the Biden-Harris proposal would gut the law and, in fact, achieve the opposite of its intention. By redefining the word “sex,” the administration blurs the line between a man and a woman and effecti... Read more »

Hearing Recap: OSHA Edition (Part II)

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Today, the Workforce Protections Subcommittee held a hearing that exposed OSHA’s backwards rulemaking that harms job creators while failing to protect workers from real threats. Chairman Kevin Kiley (R-CA) kicked off the hearing with an opening statement. He said, “The purpose of today’s hearing is to encourage a more thoughtful and balanced approach to rulemaking, one marked by factfinding, evide... Read more »

Hearing Recap: Haskell Indian Nations University Edition

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The Higher Education and Workforce Development Subcommittee and the Natural Resources’ Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations convened today for a joint hearing to discuss the disaster that is Haskell Indian Nations University (HINU or Haskell). The hearing comes on the heels of numerous allegations of misconduct, bullying, and sexual harassment endemic at Haskell. What’s more, the Office of... Read more »

ICYMI: Cardona Sells Out Students for Special Interests

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In Case You Missed It, in the wake of the attempt on former President Trump’s life and widespread calls to “lower the temperature,” Education Secretary Miguel Cardona decided, once again, to abuse taxpayer dollars in a partisan effort to smear Republicans for protecting the 90 percent of Americans who owe no student loans and ensuring they aren’t forced to foot the bill for the 10 percent who do. ... Read more »

Fixing FAFSA: How the Committee is Fighting for Students

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For countless students, making the decision about if, how, and where to pursue postsecondary education depends on FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). The FAFSA form is the key for students to know how much college will cost them so they can make an informed financial decision. Congress passed bipartisan changes to streamline the FAFSA process in 2020 that were supposed to take effect... Read more »

What They’re Saying: Biden’s Title IX Rule Will Erase and Endanger Women

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The Biden administration’s radical Title IX rule removes the protections and equal opportunity women have fought for decades to secure. Instead of safeguarding women and female-only spaces, the administration’s rule redefines sex to include “gender identity,” effectively forcing women to share bathrooms, locker rooms, and other private spaces with biological males. Additionally, the rule would all... Read more »

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