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Quick Take: Biden Fiddles While Americans Go Broke

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Today the Biden administration is celebrating the passage of its radical legislation that will increase taxes, advance job-killing climate control regulations, and institute more government control over our health care system. More government spending that will exacerbate inflation and bring our nation closer to a single-payer health care system is nothing to celebrate. The Biden administration ha... Read more »

WATCH: Education And Labor Committee Republican Leader Foxx Discuss Student Loans At AEI

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Today at 4 p.m. ET, House Education and Labor Committee Republican Leader Virginia Foxx (R-NC) will sit down with the American Enterprise Institute to discuss the Biden administration’s radical student loan debt scheme and present a conservative vision for postsecondary education in America. Foxx will tackle topics including: How can we rein in degree inflation and rising college costs? What is be... Read more »

Teaching Teachers to Teach, Not Indoctrinate

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Professional development (PD) programs for teachers have been co-opted by the Left. These programs should help teachers upskill—not bully them into spreading controversial material in the classroom. Unfortunately, too many school districts pay outside consultants handsomely to lecture educators on Critical Race Theory (CRT) and gender politics. School districts and administrators should focus on a... Read more »

Brazen Union Favoritism at the NLRB

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Federal law already protects private-sector employees’ right to form a union, but the Biden administration believes that’s not enough. Instead, the administration is attempting to bypass Congress and implement the unpopular PRO Act’s policies through executive fiat. Taken together, these policies would force workers to pay union dues against their will, expose workers to intimidation and coercion,... Read more »

The $311 Billion Problem

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For anyone who forgot, the Department of Education (ED) radically underestimated the true cost of the federal student loan program. Although the federal government originally expected to generate revenue off student loans, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) recently found that the Education Department’s budget erred by $311 billion. For decades, economists warned that ED’s budget was wrong... Read more »

Republicans Have Solutions for the Student Loan Crisis

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The Biden administration is ignoring Republican calls for federal student loan system reform. The student loan program is broken, but extending the inflationary repayment pause or providing mass student loan cancelation and forcing taxpayers to foot the bill is not the answer. Rather, it will exacerbate the vicious cycle of colleges charging higher tuition prices and students borrowing more and mo... Read more »

More Pauses Mean Taxpayers Suffer

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The Biden administration is expected to announce its decision on whether borrowers will resume repayment on student loans—yet regardless of the President’s decision, taxpayers will be hurt. Coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic, Americans needed a decisive leader. Unfortunately, this administration did the one thing Americans did not need: wait. August marks the 20th month of loan repayment pauses s... Read more »

Quick Take: We Aren’t Fooled, Democrats’ Inflation Expansion Bill Will Cost Taxpayers a Fortune

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Today, President Biden will sign the so-called Inflation Reduction Act before the release of the final Congressional Budget Office (CBO) score, which lays out how much a bill will cost taxpayers. Despite not having final numbers from CBO, Democrats are already claiming that this bill will reduce the deficit. Yet we know the cost of government programs are underestimated while profits are overestim... Read more »

Democrats’ Inflation Bill Stymies Medical Innovation and Increases the Cost of Health Care

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Democrats’ reconciliation bill implements socialist price-setting controls on prescription drugs and expands spending on Obamacare. These inflationary subsidies are a threat to employer-sponsored insurance and will ultimately raise the price of health care. H.R. 5376, or the Inflation Expansion Act, moves our country closer to a socialist health care system. Drug price controls are a known barrier... Read more »

Republicans Offer REAL Reforms, Challenge Biden’s Student Loan Scheme

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The nation’s student loan system is unsustainable and has resulted in more than 40 million Americans collectively owing over $1.6 trillion in federal student loan debt. Republicans have a solution to help borrowers most in need while protecting taxpayers. Here’s what you need to know… Unfortunately, President Biden wants to enact sweeping student debt cancelation by executive fiat and leave taxpay... Read more »

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