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Fact Checking Secretary Walsh

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Labor Secretary Marty Walsh will make some big claims at this morning’s Education and Labor Committee hearing. @EdLaborGOP is setting the record straight: Walsh: “President Biden has made the creation of good jobs with the free and fair choice to join a union a cornerstone of this Administration.” Reality check: The Biden administration is pushing unionization and federal control over the workforc... Read more »

ESG Puts Your Retirement at Risk

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As if #BidenInflation wasn't already hurting those looking to retire, now the Biden administration is signaling it will bully workers and retirees into using anti-worker environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors when making retirement investment decisions. ESG standards are used to determine how “well” a company or investment adheres to leftist environmental and social policies; covering... Read more »

Fact Check: Student Loan Forgiveness Will Worsen Inflation

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President Biden’s top economic advisor is wrong—blanket student loan forgiveness will exacerbate inflation. Brian Deese, Director of the National Economic Council, is deceiving himself and the American people by claiming that student loan forgiveness will have a “pretty small” impact on inflation. We aren’t surprised by these false claims. Just last week, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen admitted s... Read more »

Biden Officials Played Follow the Leader with Union Bosses

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The Biden administration tirelessly advocated for America’s businesses, schools, and civil institutions to “follow the science.” But instead of “following the science,” this administration decided to follow the lead of union bosses. Data clearly showed that in May 2021 hospitalization and mortality rates fell across the country, but the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) pushed incre... Read more »

What You Need to Know About Democrats’ WIOA Bill

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The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) is intended to help workers gain the skills they need to thrive in our nation’s modern workforce. But Democrats’ reauthorization of WIOA expands federal control over the workforce system and diminishes the role of job creators. We currently have a skills gap in our country, and these Democrat policies will widen that gap. Here is what you need to... Read more »

The Video Democrats Don't Want You to Watch

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During today’s subcommittee hearing, Education and Labor Committee Republican Leader Virginia Foxx (R-NC) wanted to share a video clip showing a union supporter harassing a woman. Democrats said the video was too offensive for a committee hearing. Foxx remarked that if the content was too offensive for a Congressional hearing, then clearly it was inappropriate for the workplace. Workplace harassme... Read more »

Quick Take: Biden Needs to Re-think Pushing Registered Apprenticeships

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Today, Labor Secretary Marty Walsh is visiting North Carolina to tout the Biden administration’s so-called Good Job’s Initiative, which will centralize even more control of the workforce into the hands of the federal government. The Biden administration’s attempt to burden business owners with a Depression-era apprenticeship program, instead of opening more doors for employer-led apprenticeships, ... Read more »

Biden’s Repayment Scam

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Last week, President Biden extended the student loan repayment pause and interest rate moratorium for a fourth time. The administration also moved millions of defaulted borrowers into good standing, making them eligible for additional loans when they failed to pay their initial loans. Here’s what you need to know about President Biden’s irresponsible repayment scam: BACKGROUND: Since March 2020, f... Read more »

What They're Saying: Biden’s Irresponsible Student Loan Pause

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Last week, President Biden tweeted about our nation’s “historic recovery.” This week, Biden is trying to keep the pandemic going by announcing a fourth student loan repayment pause. What a confusing contradiction. This pause was intended to give borrowers a safety net when COVID-19 and uncertainty were at their heights. Two years later and not a single borrower has been required to pay a cent. So ... Read more »

Maryland Sets a New Standard

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Maryland Governor Larry Hogan is deconstructing the “college for all” mentality, and hopefully more states will follow his lead. His new Skilled Through Alternative Routes (STAR) program eliminates baccalaureate degree requirements for many state jobs and creates new pathways for economic success. For years, Americans have been trapped in a vortex of over-credentialing. Thousands of Maryland state... Read more »

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