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Democrats’ #PROUnionBosses Act: What They’re Saying

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House Democrats will vote later today on H.R. 2474, the so-called Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act. At the expense of worker rights and economic freedom, H.R. 2474 contains dozens of harmful provisions. Don’t just take our word for it, here’s what others are saying: “The PRO Act would harm the economy in myriad ways by enacting a slew of harmful labor policies…” –U.S. Chamber of Commerc... Read more »

ICYMI: Union Boss Threatens Lawmakers Ahead of Labor Vote

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On the eve of a vote on the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka threatened lawmakers to either vote yes on the PRO Act, or they’ll face consequences from Big Labor: “Those who would oppose, delay or derail this legislation, do not ask us — do not ask the labor movement — for a dollar or a door knock,” Trumka said. “We won’t be coming.” Unfortunately, Mr. Tr... Read more »

#ReligiousFreedomDay 2020

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On this #ReligiousFreedomDay, nine federal agencies under President Trump’s administration have issued rules to ensure that religious organizations receive equal and fair treatment as guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution. Among the nine agencies to issue rules that bolster religious freedom, five fall under the jurisdiction of the Education and Labor Committee, which includes the U.S. Department... Read more »

ICYMI: WATCH Foxx Talk Lower Costs, #MoreCures

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Education and Labor Committee Republican Leader Virginia Foxx (R-NC), Energy and Commerce Committee Republican Leader Greg Walden (R-OR), Ways and Means Committee Republican Leader Kevin Brady (R-TX), and Judiciary Committee Republican Leader Doug Collins (R-GA) have introduced the Lower Costs, #MoreCures Act (H.R. 19), to lower drug costs for Americans without limiting access to cures. Watch Repu... Read more »

Creating More Pathways to Jobs

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The bad news: our national skills gap has resulted in more than seven million unfilled jobs. The good news: apprenticeships offer a pathway to filling these positions. In an Education and Labor Committee hearing this week, members heard from Mr. John Pallasch, Assistant Secretary for Employment and Training in the Department of Labor, that registered and innovative-employer led apprenticeships are... Read more »

ICYMI: Committee Republicans Highlight Apprenticeships

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In case you missed it... Education and Labor Committee Republicans took to the house floor last week to celebrate National Apprenticeship Week and the important role apprenticeships play in connecting students with the skills they need to build a successful life. Republican Leader Virginia Foxx (R-NC): “Our nation has seven million unfilled jobs. A 2018 survey of U.S. employers showed that nearly ... Read more »

Democrats Miss Opportunity to Expand Apprenticeship Programs. Why?

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According to a 2018 survey of U.S. employers, nearly half of all job creators struggle to hire employees with the right skills for the job, which has led to seven million unfilled positions throughout the country and a substantial skills gap that plagues our workforce. Fortunately, we know that skills-based education, like apprenticeships, are proven to help address the growing skills gap we curre... Read more »

Day 1 of Democrats’ Markup of Partisan College #unAffordability Act

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Yesterday, the House Committee on Education and Labor began considering a partisan proposal that will cost taxpayers billions, limit educational freedom, and contribute to exploding college costs. Committee Republicans offered commonsense measures to improve the bill, but they were blocked by Democrats. Miss the first day of the markup? Here’s what you need to know: Democrats defend public service... Read more »

Democrats’ College #unAffordability Act: What They’re Saying

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Today, the House Committee on Education and Labor continued its consideration of the Democrats’ so-called College Affordability Act. Instead of working with Committee Republicans on a bipartisan proposal to fix our broken higher education system, the Democrats are advancing legislation that doubles down on failed policies that hurt students, families, and taxpayers. Don’t take our word for it, her... Read more »

Foxx: Democrat Minimum Wage Bill Hurts Job Creators, Workers and Families

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Today at the House Republican leadership’s press conference, Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC), Republican Leader of the Education and Labor Committee, spoke about the negative impact the Democrats’ minimum wage proposal (H.R. 582) will have on job creators, workers, and families. Below are excerpts and video of her remarks. "H.R. 582, which more than doubles the federal minimum wage from $7.25 to $15,…i... Read more »

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