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E&W Blog

"America's colleges should foster critical thinking..."

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Postsecondary institutions have a duty to develop students’ critical thinking, and the best way to develop that skill is through the free and vigorous exercise of the First Amendment. When civil discourse is silenced, students’ professional development is irreparably damaged. Read more »

Happy Constitution Day!

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When Chairwoman Foxx visits a classroom, the U.S. Constitution is one of her favorite things to discuss with students. On Constitution Day, hear what Chairwoman Foxx has to say about our most important founding document: Read more »

“We have entered an age of more accountability…”

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Today, the Wall Street Journal and Times Higher Education published a new set of college rankings that reflect the trend that’s been informing everything we have worked on at the Education and Workforce Committee this Congress: people want stronger accountability in postsecondary education. Read more »

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