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ICYMI: Accountability for All Colleges

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The Enlisted Association of the National Guard enthusiastically supports the PROSPER Act, a bill to reform higher education, provide accountability and protect student veterans. Unfortunately the bill is being described by some veterans’ groups as bad legislation. They have a few valid points; here’s what we think. Read more »

WATCH: Members Talk CTE

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Last year, the Committee on Education and the Workforce delivered bipartisan legislation to rejuvenate and reform career and technical education. Read more »

ICYMI: Here’s How Higher Education Dies

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Last month, an article from The Atlantic shed light on a trend that’s occurring in postsecondary education: though the chorus encouraging students to attend college is louder than ever, nationwide college attendance is in decline. Read more »

THE PROSPER ACT: A Work Study Program for the Future

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Only 13 percent of Americans agree college graduates in this country are well prepared for success in the workplace. A recent survey showed that only 2 in 5 managers believe college graduates are well-equipped for a job in their field. Read more »

Religious Leaders Support the PROSPER Act

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The Committee on Education and the Workforce was notified by the following groups that a letter was sent to Speaker Paul Ryan, urging the House to vote on the PROSPER Act. Here’s what the letter had to say: Read more »

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