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The PROSPER Act: "prepares students to achieve their life and career goals..."

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The Committee on Education and the Workforce received the following letter from Rebuilding America’s Middle Class (RAMC) Board Chair and Dallas County Community College District Chancellor praising the PROSPER Act. Here is what Joe May had to say: April 16, 2018 The Honorable Virginia Foxx U.S. House Committee on Education and the Workforce 2176 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 D... Read more »

ICYMI: Community Colleges, the PROSPER Act, & the Path to Student Success

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April is Community College Awareness Month. Community colleges have provided the path for millions of Americans to reach the goals they have for themselves. Community colleges have also changed the face and the future of many communities across America by developing programs in specific areas and economies that need to grow and thrive. Read more »

The PROSPER Act: What People Are Saying

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The Committee on Education and the Workforce received the following letter from President Mitch Daniels of Purdue University praising the PROSPER Act. Here is what President Daniels had to say: Read more »

Career and Technical Education Can Outsmart the Skills Gap

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Hardworking Americans across the country search every day for a good-paying job that will lead them to a successful career and prosperous life. Presently, the American workforce faces a shortage of 6 million skilled workers – a number expected to reach 11 million by 2022. The Committee on Education and the Workforce has been working throughout this Congress to address the ever-growing skills gap t... Read more »

ICYMI: Congress must act before America falls into a student loan debt crisis

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Congress must act before America falls into a student loan debt crisis By Andy Puzder — Tuesday, March 27, 2018 "Congress should act before we experience a collapse in the student debt market similar to the collapse in the subprime mortgage market that led to the recession after the 2008 financial crisis. Fortunately, the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, chaired by former educator ... Read more »

The Failures of the CNCS — Fraud Edition

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Last week, the Committee on Education and the Workforce examined the Corporation for National and Community Service's (CNCS) ability to fulfill its purpose as a government agency. Read more »

ICYMI: Three Things You May Have Missed on the PROSPER Act

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The PROSPER Act will bring major reforms to the student financial aid system that is currently not serving the best interests of students and families who are pursuing a postsecondary education. Find out more about how the PROSPER Act will bring accountability and simplicity to the student loan system for future generations. Read more »

The Failures of the CNCS — Management Edition

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American taxpayers deserve to see their tax dollars spent efficiently and effectively. The Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) is entrusted with annual appropriations to the tune of $1 billion, and the Corporation has a responsibility to ensure that each and every taxpayer dollar is accurately accounted for and benefits its intended recipients. Read more »

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