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The Failures of the CNCS — Compliance Edition

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People who dedicate their lives to service in the community are in a privileged position to make a difference in the lives of vulnerable men and women. The Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS)’s mission is to help and serve communities in need, and CNCS is entrusted with millions of taxpayer dollars each year to meet this objective. This is no small responsibility, and CNCS has an... Read more »

The Failures of the CNCS — Safety Edition

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One of the things that makes America exceptional is our strong devotion to service and volunteering. Each year, millions of Americans make a very intentional commitment to bettering their communities, whether through monetary donations or through time and hard work. Read more »

Happy Valentine's Day

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In a special edition of Office Hours, Chairwoman Foxx talks about her Valentine. To watch the video, click here. Read more »

PROSPER Featured on C-SPAN's Newsmakers

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PROSPER Featured on C-SPAN's Newsmakers Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) recently sat down with reporters on C-SPAN's Newsmakers to discuss the PROSPER Act. Foxx spoke about reforming the Higher Education Act and how institutions can better serve students and the community. To watch the entire show, click here. Simplifying student aid provides an easier path for students to know their options and ... Read more »

Chairwoman Foxx on what we can do next

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Regulatory Relief: Check Tax Reform: Check What else can we do to help industry grow and people succeed? Chairwoman Foxx has the answer. To watch video, click here. Read more »

ICYMI: AAF Reviews PROSPER Earn and Learn Proposals

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American Action Forum recently conducted a study to examine the apprenticeship grant programs within the PROSPER Act, and how the bill would promote earn and learn opportunities for students seeking good-paying jobs that can lead to a successful career. Here are some of the highlights from their findings: Earn and Learn: A Review of a Proposal to Expand Apprenticeships in High-Growth Industries By... Read more »

ICYMI: Hard Lessons From the Federal Student-Loan Program’s Coming $36 Billion Shortfall

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Hard Lessons From the Federal Student-Loan Program’s Coming $36 Billion Shortfall By Josh Mitchell — Sunday, February 4, 2018 U.S. officials have long maintained the federal government would make a profit on its $1.4 trillion student loan portfolio or at least break even, but two recent reports suggest just the opposite will be the case. Government lending to college and graduate students could s... Read more »

25 Years of the FMLA, and the Future of Workforce Innovation

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Today at the Committee on Education and the Workforce, we’re recognizing 25 years of the bipartisan Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA), which was signed into law by President Clinton on February 5, 1993. This landmark law has had a meaningful impact on the American workforce, and it was an important step in enabling millions of workers to attend to life when life happens. American workers... Read more »

We're on it

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If you’re a fan of Education & Workforce policy, the State of the Union address was a speech for you. When President Trump said, “my highest loyalty, my greatest compassion, and my constant concern is for America’s children, America’s struggling workers, and America’s forgotten communities,” we cheered—because that’s exactly why we’re here, too. Here’s a deeper dive into just a few of the E&W prio... Read more »

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