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Kline Op-ed on Red State: President Renews Threat to Workers’ Secret Ballot

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The following op-ed was published online at Red State on August 5, 2010 In June of 2009, the unemployment rate surged to 9.5 percent for the first time in almost 26 years. Despite some ups and downs, today the unemployment rate continues to hover near 10 percent and 14.6 million Americans are unemployed and searching for work. I see the evidence of this every time I travel back home to Minnesota:... Read more »

Kline Op-ed on Big Government: Promises Made, Promises Broken: The Consequences of ObamaCare

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The following op-ed was published online at Big Government on June 16, 2010 "Health overhaul to force changes in employer plans.” “Draft health rules set hurdles.” “Employer health care costs to jump 9% in 2011.” With headlines like these splashed across the nation’s newspapers, it’s no wonder the American public remains steadfastly opposed to the government takeover of health care signed into la... Read more »

Kline Op-ed in Washington Examiner: Obama's NMB has sweetheart for air, rail unions

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The following op-ed was published online at the Washington Examiner on May 17, 2010 Across the country, Americans continue to express their frustration with business-as-usual in Washington where special interests secure backroom deals that run contrary to the national interest. Voters expect their elected leaders to fight for a level playing field that enables all Americans to pursue economic opp... Read more »

Kline Op-ed on Red State: If You Thought Activist Judges Were a Problem…

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The following op-ed was published online at Red State on April 28, 2010. With a looming nomination to the Supreme Court dominating the headlines, much has been written about the dangers of activist judges – those jurists who do not feel bound by a strict reading of the Constitution, but instead are compelled to reshape the letter of the law to fit their desired outcomes. It turns out activist judg... Read more »

Kline Op-ed on AOL News: Two Government Takeovers in One

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The following op-ed was published online at AOL News on March 17, 2010. Imagine a bill that dramatically increases the power of the federal government in Americans' lives. It expands the federal bureaucracy to administer a vital service. Democrats argue it will save money over time because the federal government is more efficient than the private sector -- yet the American people are suspicious of... Read more »

Kline Op-ed in The Hill: It’s Still Not Too Late to Start Over

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The following op-ed was published in The Hill on March 8, 2010. As the outlines of the Democrats’ health care endgame begin to emerge, one thing has become perfectly clear: The majority party in Washington, D.C., has no intention of bipartisanship. Before last month’s televised summit, President Barack Obama submitted an 11-page proposal that included “targeted changes” to the 2,700-page Senate bi... Read more »

Kline op-ed in The Hill: How to get reform now

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The following op-ed by Rep. John Kline (R-MN) – the Senior Republican on the U.S. House Education and Labor Committee – appears in The Hill as part of a special section on healthcare. Calling for commonsense, bipartisan solutions to reform our nation’s healthcare system, Kline writes: “The problem is that the current healthcare debate has ignored this common ground and instead focused on the most ... Read more »

Kline Op-ed in the Star Tribune: A promise made to our children should be a promise kept

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The following op-ed was published online by the Star Tribune on September 30, 2009. As students throughout Minnesota settle into a new school year, area schools, like many around the country, are coping with the stifling effects of the recession. School districts throughout the state are facing multimillion-dollar deficits, and Minnesotans feel the pressure of financial shortfalls on our communiti... Read more »

Kline Op-Ed in Education Week: The President’s Teachable Moment

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The following op-ed was published online by Education Week on September 10, 2009. These last few weeks, America’s classrooms have come to life. Schoolchildren from coast to coast have completed an annual rite of passage: the first day of school. For many students, this year’s first day was unusual. The rituals of meeting new classmates and teachers and reminiscing about summer vacations were overs... Read more »

Kline op-ed at Democrats' Health Care "Reform": The Next Job Killer

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The following op-ed by Rep. John Kline, senior Republican for the House Education and Labor Committee, was published on on July 10, 2009. There they go again. Democrats have controlled the White House and both chambers of Congress for less than six months, yet already their tax-and-spend ways are hurting America’s economy – and taking away jobs. Their first act of business was to pass... Read more »

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