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Who Made @EdLaborGOP’s Naughty and Nice Lists?

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With Christmas right around the corner, Santa is making his list—and checking it twice. In the Biden White House, America’s families, workers, and job creators all landed squarely on the naughty list. Fortunately, Committee Republicans are helping St. Nick make some much-needed edits to find out who’s naughty and who’s nice. Naughty: Teachers unions that fought to keep children trapped in failing ... Read more »

PBGC OIG Validates Foxx Concerns Over Pension Bailout Boondoggle

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The media missed it…. The head of oversight for the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) sounded the alarm earlier this month warning that PBGC may have broken the law! Specifically, the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) requested a legal opinion from the Government Accountability Office on whether PBGC has the authority to change the calculation of the amount of taxpayer dollars handed... Read more »

Grand Jury to Loudoun Schools: Increase Transparency

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A Virginia grand jury castigated Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) for a massive lack of transparency regarding sexual assaults committed by the same student at two different schools. According to the grand jury findings, district officials showed a “stunning lack of openness, transparency and accountability” to both the grand jury and the public. The report finds LCPS officials bear “the brunt... Read more »

A New Take on the Traditional Path to Success

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Dual enrollment programs form an important pillar of education freedom in America but rarely get their due credit. These programs allow high school students to earn credit towards a high school diploma and postsecondary degree or credential simultaneously. This innovative system should be expanded to meet the needs of students and the workforce. While many dual enrollment classes are taught in hig... Read more »

Biden is Using Your Money for Mass Loan Cancelation

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Despite being rebuked at multiple points, the Biden administration is continuing to make false promises to students and promoting its student loan debt scheme. While the student loan “forgiveness” scheme has been the most prominently discussed, President Biden is using executive fiat to rewrite existing loan programs, irresponsibly extend the student loan repayment pause, and much more. According ... Read more »

EEOC Puts Unions Above Americans’ Needs

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Education and Labor Committee Republican Leader Virginia Foxx (R-NC) slammed a temporary return-to-office agreement announced this week by Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Chair Charlotte Burrows between EEOC and the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE). EEOC and the AFGE finally came to a temporary agreement: it is grossly insufficient. After two and a half years, the ... Read more »

Seven Reasons Not to Extend the Student Loan Repayment Pause

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With the Biden administration’s radical student loan bailout stalled in court, rumors that President Biden will extend the student loan repayment pause are surfacing again. As of November, borrowers haven’t had to make a payment in 33 months; a further extension would be a bad idea. Here’s why: 1. We are no longer in a national emergency. Student loan repayments were put on hold because of COVID-1... Read more »

Workforce Pell Opens Pathways to Successful Careers

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Today, the United States has more than 10 million job openings and more than six million unemployed individuals. Yet America’s skills gap is not new. The problem is that colleges and universities are not adequately preparing students to enter the workforce. Asking students to spend tens of thousands of dollars on postsecondary education, then making them essentially start from scratch upon enterin... Read more »

Commissioner Dhillon Will be Missed, Along With Her Commitment to Transparency

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The resignation of Commissioner Janet Dhillon, former Chair of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), is a great loss for the agency and our country. Throughout her tenure, Dhillon made accountability and transparency a priority—something sorely lacking at EEOC. Dhillon proved that transparency and the success of EEOC go hand-in-hand. During her tenure, EEOC achieved record-breaking m... Read more »

Accountability, not Amnesty, is what America Needs

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Recently, The Atlantic published an article calling for a pandemic amnesty for “what we did and said when we were in the dark about COVID.” Yet amnesty won’t eliminate the learning loss suffered by students kept out of the classroom, nor will it help the workers fired from their jobs for refusing vaccination. Government officials do not need amnesty; they need accountability. As an early and vocal... Read more »

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