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Moving in the Right Direction

INFOGRAPHIC: The Need for Comprehensive Job Training Reform, Part 1

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President Obama has said the nation’s workforce development system is a "maze of confusing training programs." But words alone can’t describe how convoluted the system has become – the following infographic reveals the true size of the bureaucracy standing between workers and the skills they need to find a job: In total, the federal government administers more than 50 different programs across nin... Read more »

Did You Know? 10 Fast Facts on School Choice

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State and local school choice initiatives continue to boost academic achievement and strengthen the nation’s education system. In honor of National School Choice Week (January 27 – February 2), the House Education and the Workforce Committee compiled the following facts on a variety of innovative programs and policies that are expanding choice and options in education: FACT #1: Demand and support ... Read more »

Curbing College Costs: Highlighting State and Institutional Efforts to Help Keep College within Reach

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The College Board this week released a pair of reports on trends in student aid and college costs. According to the reports, average college tuition increased at the lowest rate in more than a decade – welcome news in these times of soaring student debt. However, more must be done to help students earn a degree at a more affordable price. House Education and the Workforce Committee Republicans kno... Read more »

Four Facts About Today’s Vote to Preserve Key Welfare Reforms

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Today the House will consider a joint resolution disapproving of the Obama administration’s attempt to undermine welfare reform. Education and the Workforce Committee Chairman John Kline (R-MN) joined Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) and Republican Study Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) in introducing H.J.Res. 118 to block this latest example of executive overreach and preser... Read more »

Putting America Back to Work: Helping Unemployed Workers Gain Valuable Skills, Fill Local Jobs

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For the nearly 13 million unemployed Americans, finding work is a full time job with little reward – but it doesn’t have to be this way. Decades ago, the federal government put in place a job training system designed to provide valuable services and support to struggling workers. Unfortunately, the system has become inefficient after years of neglect. On behalf of the nation’s workers, House Repub... Read more »

Part III: Despite False Rhetoric, Job Training Reforms Beneficial to Workers, Employers, and Taxpayers

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The House Education and the Workforce Committee is currently considering comprehensive reforms to the nation’s workforce development system. The Workforce Investment Improvement Act of 2012 (H.R. 4297) advances commonsense changes to federal job training assistance by eliminating dozens of ineffective and redundant programs, strengthening the role of employers, promoting new tools that will help c... Read more »

Part II: Despite False Rhetoric, Job Training Reforms Beneficial to Workers, Employers, and Taxpayers

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The House Education and the Workforce Committee is currently considering comprehensive reforms to the nation’s workforce development system. The Workforce Investment Improvement Act of 2012 (H.R. 4297) advances commonsense changes to federal job training assistance by eliminating dozens of ineffective and redundant programs, strengthening the role of employers, promoting new tools that will help c... Read more »

Part I: Despite False Rhetoric, Job Training Reforms Beneficial to Workers, Employers, and Taxpayers

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Today the House Education and the Workforce Committee is set to consider comprehensive reforms to the nation’s workforce development system. The Workforce Investment Improvement Act of 2012 advances commonsense changes to federal job training assistance by eliminating dozens of ineffective and redundant programs, strengthening the role of employers, promoting new tools that will help close the ski... Read more »

Committee Advancing Legislation to Put Americans Back to Work

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The Department of Labor today reported nearly 13 million Americans are still unemployed, indicating our nation’s outdated workforce development system is failing to provide the training and assistance job seekers need. The problems in the system haven’t gone unnoticed. A Wall Street Journal editorial recently noted "a federal job training program that puts people back to work is hard to find." Eve... Read more »

Job Training Legislation Protects Valuable Taxpayer Resources

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The nation’s debt is fast approaching $16 trillion and experts warn the country is on the brink of a crisis. While the White House tries in vain to deny its own fiscal recklessness, House Republicans are moving forward with responsible solutions to root out government waste and better protect taxpayers. As part of that effort, Republican leaders on the House Education and the Workforce Committee h... Read more »

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