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Advancing Educational Freedom

A Lack of Progress

| Posted in Left Turns

Helping more Americans pursue higher education has long been a national priority. Individuals who complete advanced levels of education are more likely to succeed in the workforce and live more productive lives. Unfortunately, America’s higher education system has become too costly, too bureaucratic, and too outdated to effectively serve students, families, and taxpayers. Education Secretary Arne ... Read more »

Bipartisan Ideas to Strengthen Higher Education

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

As summer comes to a close and college-goers begin preparing for the fall semester, students and families face tough challenges fulfilling the dream of a higher education that will prepare them to succeed in the workforce: College costs continue to rise. Over the past decade, the average costs at four-year public and private nonprofit institutions increased by 42 percent and 24 percent, respective... Read more »

Strengthening Transparency in Higher Education Act

| Posted in Fact Sheets

THE PROBLEM: Despite repeated attempts to enhance transparency in the higher education system, students and families still struggle to access important information that will assist in their search for the right college or university. The federal government provides financial assistance for millions of students to use at the institution of their choice. Yet students and families face a deluge of d... Read more »

Empowering Students Through Enhanced Financial Counseling Act

| Posted in Fact Sheets

THE PROBLEM: Across the country, tuition costs continue to go up and the job prospects many graduates face remain bleak. It has never been more critical for individuals to make responsible choices regarding how to pay for their postsecondary education. Unfortunately, many students are simply not equipped to make sound financial choices about their college careers. It’s not surprising considering ... Read more »

Flexible Pell Grant for 21st Century Students Act

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THE PROBLEM: Student demographics have changed dramatically in recent decades. Whereas the majority of students used to enroll in a four-year, full-time program fresh out of high school, an increasing number of students – “contemporary students” – are older, have a family, and work full- or part-time jobs. These students are looking to quickly and affordably earn a degree that will help them comp... Read more »

Rokita, Fudge Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Update Student Privacy Protections

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Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education Subcommittee Chairman Todd Rokita (R-IN) and Ranking Member Marcia Fudge (D-OH) today introduced the Student Privacy Protection Act (H.R. 3157), bipartisan legislation to update student privacy protections under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, or FERPA. The bill will modernize privacy protections, improve communication between par... Read more »

‘Free’ Community College Plan Just Got More Expensive. A Lot More Expensive.

| Posted in Left Turns

Since President Obama unveiled his plan to offer “free” community college, the American people have learned there is nothing free about it. News reports quickly revealed the plan was projected to cost taxpayers $60 billion. That is, until congressional Democrats turned the president’s $60 billion idea into a $90 billion legislative proposal. Citing a lead sponsor in the Senate, one news outlet rep... Read more »

Kline, Foxx Respond to Administration’s Retreat on College Rating Proposal

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House Education and the Workforce Committee Chairman John Kline (R-MN) and Higher Education and Workforce Training Subcommittee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) issued the following joint statement in response to today’s announcement from the Department of Education regarding its controversial college rating system: The department’s decision to abandon an arbitrary college rating system is a win fo... Read more »

#FBF: Market-Based student loans ‘a win for students and taxpayers’

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

Two years ago, Washington was embroiled in a classic self-made crisis. Thanks to the political gimmicks of Washington Democrats, interest rates on most federal student loans were set to double. The president called on Congress to pass a long-term, market-based solution that would get Washington out of the business of arbitrarily setting student loan interest rates. Under the leadership of Educatio... Read more »

Subcommittee Explores Ways to Improve Support for Disadvantaged College Students

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The Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Training, chaired by Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC), today held a hearing to learn about efforts to improve higher education access and completion for low-income and first-generation students. Members discussed possible reforms to existing federal programs and how efforts at the institutional level can positively affect educational outcomes for disadva... Read more »

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