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Empowering Workers to Succeed

Video Release: Kline Urges Support for Bipartisan, Bicameral Job Training Reform Bill

| Posted in Press Releases

The House of Representatives today considered the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), legislation that will help put Americans back to work by reforming the nation’s outdated workforce development system. During debate, House Education and the Workforce Committee Chairman John Kline (R-MN) described how the bipartisan agreement will protect taxpayers and help workers compete for in-de... Read more »

Kline Statement: H.R. 803, the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act

| Posted in Floor Statements

Men and women across the country are struggling to make ends meet. Many have lost a job and others are working more for less. Learning a new skill or trade can open the door to that next opportunity a worker desperately needs, yet too often flawed policies stand in the way. Quite frankly our nation’s job training system is broken. We have too many ineffective programs, too much bureaucracy, and ve... Read more »

Bipartisan, Bicameral Job Training Bill a Win for Workers and Taxpayers

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

This week the House will consider the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), legislation to help put Americans back to work by reforming the nation’s outdated workforce development system. Overwhelmingly approved by the Senate in June, this bipartisan, bicameral legislation embodies the principles for job training reform Republicans have long championed. Streamlines a confusing maze of p... Read more »

Kline, Foxx Applaud Senate Passage of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act

| Posted in Press Releases

House Education and the Workforce Committee Chairman John Kline (R-MN) and Higher Education and Workforce Training Subcommittee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) issued the following statements after the Senate passed the bipartisan, bicameral Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (H.R. 803): "Today we moved one step closer to enacting comprehensive job training reform that will help put American... Read more »

Support Grows for Job Training Agreement

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

Backing for the bipartisan, bicameral Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) continues to grow. Key stakeholders in the nation’s job training system praise the proposal, which reforms the outdated policies by eliminating redundant programs, increasing flexibility to local workforce development leaders, and providing job-creators a greater role in ensuring workers learn the skills needed i... Read more »

Praise for Bipartisan, Bicameral Bill to Improve America’s Workforce Development System

| Posted in Press Releases

Since a bipartisan, bicameral group of legislators announced a deal to improve the nation’s workforce development system through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), a broad array of labor, business, and workforce development leaders, as well as governors and mayors from around the country, has expressed support for the proposal. Read a summary of the bill here. Excerpts from lette... Read more »

ICYMI: News Reports Highlight Bipartisan Job Training Agreement

| Posted in In Case You Missed It

On Wednesday House and Senate leaders announced a bipartisan deal to reform the nation’s workforce development system. The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) will streamline a maze of duplicative programs and help hardworking Americans prepare for in-demand careers. Read highlights from press reports on the compromise: The compromise measure would eliminate 15 of 47 existing federal w... Read more »

Bipartisan, Bicameral Group Announces Deal to Improve American Workforce Development System

| Posted in Press Releases

Today, a bipartisan, bicameral group of lawmakers announced that they have reached a deal to improve the nation’s workforce development system through new legislation, the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). The bill, which will now be considered by both the House and Senate, modernizes and improves existing federal workforce development programs, helps workers attain skills for 21st ... Read more »

Five Questions for the Secretary of Labor

| Posted in Left Turns

Tomorrow Labor Secretary Thomas Perez will testify before the House Education and the Workforce Committee on the department’s budget and policy priorities for the upcoming fiscal year. This will be the secretary’s first appearance before the committee since his confirmation, so committee members are eager to discuss a broad range of topics and concerns. Here are five critical questions for the sec... Read more »

Kline Statement: Hearing on Reviving Our Economy: Supporting a 21st Century Workforce

| Posted in Committee Statements

This committee has convened numerous hearings in Washington to examine the challenges and opportunities facing the nation’s classrooms and workplaces. Whenever possible, we like to bring the voices of everyday Americans to the Capitol to learn their ideas on how to move our country forward. But it’s even better when we have the opportunity to get out of Washington and into local communities, which... Read more »

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