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Empowering Workers to Succeed

Just the Facts: The SKILLS Act Encourages Local Control, Flexibility

| Posted in Just the Facts

Right now the House Education and the Workforce Committee is considering the SKILLS Act (H.R. 803), a commonsense proposal to reform the nation’s broken job training system and help put Americans back to work. Opponents of the SKILLS Act claim the proposal will prevent key stakeholders from participating in the workforce development system. However, a quick look at the facts helps set the record s... Read more »

Just the Facts: The SKILLS Act Consolidates Ineffective & Redundant Programs

| Posted in Just the Facts

Right now the committee is considering the SKILLS Act (H.R. 803), a commonsense proposal to reform the nation’s broken job training system and help put Americans back to work. Opponents argue the SKILLS Act makes arbitrary cuts to the nation’s workforce development system. However, a quick look at the facts helps set the record straight: FACT: There are currently more than 50 employment and traini... Read more »

VIDEO RELEASE: Committee Republicans Highlight How the SKILLS Act Will Strengthen Our Workforce

| Posted in Press Releases

House Republicans are taking action to fix the nation's broken workforce development system. The Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Training held a hearing this week to examine how the Supporting Knowledge and Investing in Lifelong Skills (SKILLS) Act will encourage a more dynamic job training system and help put more Americans back to work. In the videos below, committee Republicans d... Read more »

Leading Job Training Officials Laud Reforms in the SKILLS Act

| Posted in Press Releases

The Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Training, chaired by Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC), today held a hearing on the urgent need to strengthen the federal workforce development system. Members discussed a number of legislative proposals intended to address flaws in federal job training policies, including the Supporting Knowledge and Investing in Lifelong Skills (SKILLS) Act. “Today’s wo... Read more »

Foxx Statement: Hearing on "Putting America Back to Work: Reforming the Nation's Workforce Investment System"

| Posted in Committee Statements

We begin the new Congress addressing a familiar challenge. Over the last two years, the committee has taken a close look at the realities of a broken workforce development system. Just yesterday, North Carolina’s Greensboro News & Record drew attention to the problem of potentially thousands of well-paying manufacturing, construction, engineering, and nursing jobs sitting vacant in my state becaus... Read more »

INFOGRAPHIC: The Need for Comprehensive Job Training Reform, Part 2

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

An infographic released earlier today revealed the confusing state of the nation’s workforce training system. The House Education and the Workforce Committee is taking action to provide taxpayers, employers, and workers with a more effective workforce development system. The Supporting Knowledge and Investing in Lifelong Skills (SKILLS) Act eliminates and streamlines dozens of ineffective and dupl... Read more »

INFOGRAPHIC: The Need for Comprehensive Job Training Reform, Part 1

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

President Obama has said the nation’s workforce development system is a "maze of confusing training programs." But words alone can’t describe how convoluted the system has become – the following infographic reveals the true size of the bureaucracy standing between workers and the skills they need to find a job: In total, the federal government administers more than 50 different programs across nin... Read more »

Committee Republicans Release Broad Job Training Reform Legislation

| Posted in Press Releases

Education and the Workforce Committee Republicans, led by Higher Education and Workforce Training Subcommittee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC), today released a comprehensive proposal to reform federal job training and employment assistance. The Supporting Knowledge and Investing in Lifelong Skills (SKILLS) Act, which will be formally introduced on February 25, streamlines federal programs and cre... Read more »

The Supporting Knowledge and Investing in Lifelong Skills (SKILLS) Act

| Posted in Fact Sheets

THE PROBLEM: Roughly 12 million Americans are unemployed and searching for work, yet the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports millions of job openings remain unfilled. One reason for this startling fact is a broken workforce development system. Despite a multi-billion dollar annual taxpayer investment in federal job training programs, employers continue to struggle to find workers with skills neces... Read more »

Kline Recognizes FMLA Anniversary

| Posted in Press Releases

U.S. House Committee on Education and the Workforce Chairman John Kline (R-MN) today released the following statement in recognition of the 20th anniversary of the Family and Medical Leave Act: Signed by President Clinton two decades ago, the Family and Medical Leave Act enables workers to keep their jobs while they care for themselves or a loved one facing a serious medical condition. The law has... Read more »

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