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Empowering Workers to Succeed

Card Check Flashback

| Posted in Secret Ballot Watch

It’s been nearly two years since Democrats in Congress first voted to take the secret ballot from workers. On March 1, 2007, Democrats approved the deceptively named Employee Free Choice Act, a bill that would actually prevent workers from freely and privately choosing whether or not to join a union through a secret ballot election. As we approach the anniversary of this undemocratic moment in his... Read more »

Card Check “a fundamental violation of the secret ballot principle”

| Posted in Secret Ballot Watch

An illuminating editorial appearing in today’s edition of Investor’s Business Daily pulls back the curtain on the misnamed Employee Free Choice Act, exposing the legislation as a payback to organized labor that would disenfranchise millions of American workers. "Despite its noble-sounding name, the legislation won't expand freedom. The bill could be more accurately called the card check act, for i... Read more »

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