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Kline Statement on December Jobs Report

U.S. House Education and the Workforce Committee Chairman John Kline (R-MN) issued the following statement today after the U.S. Department of Labor reported an increase of 103,000 jobs in December and a national unemployment rate of 9.4 percent:

“Today’s jobs report points to an economy that is on the mend but still struggling. The pace of job creation continues to fall short of what we need to recover from the damage of the past recession, and it underscores the urgency of our efforts to block job-killing policies and regulations and get our fiscal house in order. The federal government cannot demand an economic recovery, but it can give individuals, small businesses, and entrepreneurs the sense of economic certainty they need to spend, hire, and invest.

“Our economy is showing modest yet promising signs of building steam, and if there was ever a time for Washington to get out of the way, it is now. The strength and resilience of the American people can't be beat, but bad government policy can slow it down. The last thing working families and small businesses need is more government regulation, spending, and debt.”

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