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Kline Statement on December Jobs Report

U.S. House Committee on Education and the Workforce Chairman John Kline (R-MN) issued the following statement after the Department of Labor released employment data for December:

“As more Americans get back on their feet and find work, leaders in Washington must be especially careful not to push policies and initiatives that could send our economy back into a tailspin. Thirty-five straight months of unemployment greater than 8 percent is still unacceptable. Putting the right public policy in place is critical to ensuring this month’s gain turns into long-term growth.

“Unfortunately, the president’s latest campaign-driven decision to appoint three new members to the National Labor Relations Board without Senate consent or public approval is alarming, and has serious potential to create new turmoil in workplaces nationwide. The rash of reckless decisions issued in recent months by the broken board sparked widespread public outcry, and I fear the president’s actions signal more trouble ahead.

“America’s workforce deserves a board that will enforce the law fairly and objectively, not a board of unelected bureaucrats determined to advance Big Labor’s agenda at any the cost.  I remain committed to aggressive oversight of the administration and the National Labor Relations Board, and will continue to work with my Republican colleagues on smart policies that encourage more private-sector job creation.”

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