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Kline Statement on August Jobs Report

U.S. House Committee on Education and the Workforce Chairman John Kline (R-MN) issued the following statement after the Department of Labor released employment data for August:

August marked the 43rd consecutive month unemployment remained above 8 percent. Today’s jobs report also reveals more than 360,000 Americans dropped out of the labor force and simply gave up searching for work. Instead of hope and prosperity, middle-class families have found only disappointment and hardship in the stagnant Obama economy.

House Republicans are committed to turning the page on the broken promises of the last four years. We’ve demanded answers on looming sequestration budget cuts, passed legislation to stop the president’s job-destroying tax hikes, and advanced dozens of proposals that will help restore confidence and support job creation. Unfortunately, the president seems determined to maintain the status quo, doubling down on more spending and higher taxes – the very same ideas that created the worst recovery since the Great Depression. Our economy cannot move forward until we abandon the failed policies of the past.

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