INFOGRAPHIC: Our Workforce Changed. It's Time for the Law to Change, Too.
April 24, 2013
Our workforce is changing. More kids are raised in households where both parents work. More students hold down full-time jobs while pursuing a postsecondary degree. More single moms and dads are in the workforce. With so many demands on Americans’ time, it’s no surprise many struggle with work-life balance – and an outdated federal law isn’t making things any easier. The following infographic helps illustrate our evolving workforce:
Due to these changes, many are eager for more flexibility in the workplace. However, the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 prevents private-sector workers from choosing paid time off as compensation for overtime hours worked – denying these workers the flexibility public-sector employees have enjoyed for decades. To help workers better balance family and career, House Republicans are advancing the Working Families Flexibility Act of 2013 (H.R. 1406). This pro-family, pro-worker legislation will remove an outdated barrier in federal law and empower Americans with more choice and flexibility in the workplace. # # # |