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ICYMI: Three Things: Students, Tuition, and Who’s On the Hook

A recent piece in the Wall Street Journal notes that the cost of achieving a postsecondary education from a public institution continues to rise as states make financial cuts to public higher education.

A recent piece in The Wall Street Journal noted that the cost of achieving a postsecondary education from a public institution continues to rise as states make financial cuts to public higher education. As states make these cuts, public postsecondary institutions have turned to students to cover the costs, and students are forced to pay more to earn their degree. While the tuition may increase for students, institutions aren't sharing the risk in financing a student's education.

In fact, public colleges and universities are profiting from the increased financial burden being placed on students who are seeking a degree.

See three quick highlights from a story The Wall Street Journal reported just last week:

In Many States, Students at Public Universities Foot Biggest Part of the Bill

State funding cuts mean students in a majority of states are paying more in tuition than the government does

By Douglas Belkin—March 29, 2018

  • “For the first time, students in more than half of all U.S. states are paying more in tuition to attend public colleges or universities than the government contributes.”

  • “Public spending per student declined 24% between 2008 and 2012. Appropriations began ticking back up in 2012, but their recovery has been uneven across the country.”
  • “Because tuition has increased, the average amount of revenue public universities received per student across the country increased to $14,151 in 2017, up from $13,375 in 2008.”

Click here to read the full story.

The PROSPER Act holds all institutions of higher education accountable when it comes to promoting completion and lowering the costs of a postsecondary degree for students.

To learn more about the PROSPER Act, click here.            

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