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Following UAW Corruption Probe, Foxx Calls Out Democrats for Lack of Oversight

Today, Republican Leader of the Education and Labor Committee, Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC), issued the following statement after reports circulated that the Justice Department reached a civil settlement regarding widespread corruption within the United Auto Workers (UAW):   
“While I am encouraged to hear the Justice Department has set up a system to help monitor and combat fraud and corruption within the UAW, I am concerned that my Democrat colleagues have ignored this growing scandal and remain undeterred in their zeal to empower Big Labor. 
“Federal investigators uncovered more than $1.5 million in embezzled union funds and hundreds of thousands of union dollars were used to pay for lavish personal gifts like cigars and golf trips. Despite this clear and flagrant abuse of power, Congressional Democrats continue to peddle radical legislation, like the PRO Act. This bill would give union leaders more unchecked power while eliminating worker rights and harming small businesses. 
“Instead of shedding a light on union corruption and supporting efforts to increase transparency and accountability within unions, it appears Democrats are content to reward Big Labor for illegal behavior.”  
Background: Federal investigators uncovered more than a decade of rampant corruption among the senior ranks of the UAW union, which has included money laundering, tax fraud, bribery, and embezzling workers’ hard-earned union dues for lavish personal expenses. Following reports of this blatant corruption, Rep. Foxx sent not one, not two, but three letters to Chairman Scott and HELP Subcommittee Chairwoman Wilson requesting the Committee hold a public hearing to examine the widespread scandal. Democrats have failed to respond to any of the three letters and continue to push for pro-union boss legislation, while Republicans push for union transparency measures
To read more about the UAW settlement, click here.
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