Chair Walberg and Reps. Foxx, Thompson, Grothman Urge DOL to Stop Drastic 14(c) Changes
January 17, 2025
Today, Education and Workforce Committee Chairman Tim Walberg (R-MI), Chairwoman Emerita Virginia Foxx (R-NC), Rep. Glenn “GT” Thompson (R-PA), and Rep. Glenn Grothman (R-WI) sent a letter to Department of Labor (DOL) Acting Secretary Julie Su urging DOL to withdraw its proposed rule that would stop the issuance of 14(c) certificates, which expand employment opportunities for individuals with physical and mental disabilities.
In the letter, the Members write: “Far from helping individuals with disabilities, this proposed rule eliminating these special minimum wages will only reduce options for them. Many of these individuals—especially those with the most significant intellectual and developmental disabilities—may find employment opportunities more difficult without access to 14(c) certificate employers. These workers deserve to be able to choose the type of employment that works for them, and eliminating access to such a critical tool for employing individuals with disabilities will only further limit their options.” The letter continues: “Eliminating access to 14(c) certificates will limit opportunities for workers who rely on their jobs not just for a paycheck but also to learn meaningful skills and to find personal fulfillment… As President Biden has said himself, ‘a job is about a lot more than a paycheck. It’s about your dignity. It’s about respect. It’s about your place in your community.’” The letter concludes: “The proposed rule allows for only 44 days of public comment and thereby fails to seek robust feedback from stakeholders. Moreover, the Committee has requested that GAO conduct a study on the effect of state governments eliminating the use of 14(c) certificates, which is pending and will provide useful information highly relevant to this rulemaking. DOL needs to receive and consider all relevant information and look before it leaps.” BACKGROUND:
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