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Foxx Examines Impact of Intrusive Federal Regulations on Institutions of Higher Education

The Higher Education and Workforce Training Subcommittee held its first hearing today to examine burdensome regulations imposed on institutions of higher education and accrediting bodies by the U.S. Department of Education.

In her opening remarks, Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) said, “We can all agree today that the United States has the finest higher education system in the world, which draws students from around the globe. But we are also all aware of the strain federal regulations can place on schools. In this era of limited resources, these regulations can serve to distract schools from efficiently delivering services to their students. That means onerous mandates force institutions to dedicate scarce resources toward compliance instead of focusing on meeting student needs. At a time when we should be encouraging common sense education reforms, more regulatory hurdles serve only to undermine the strength of the nation’s education system.”

Chairwoman Foxx’s full remarks are available here.

To read testimony and view related documents from today’s hearing, visit


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