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Committee Chairs Express Concerns About Higher Education Provisions in Senate Defense Appropriations Legislation

Dear Chairmen Rogers and Young and Ranking Members Lowey and Visclosky:

As the Fiscal Year 2014 Department of Defense Appropriations Act moves through the legislative process, we write to oppose sections 8103 and 8104 of the Senate bill. While intended to punish bad actors from accessing higher education, both provisions harm low-income and veteran students and their colleges and fail to increase financial aid or institutional accountability.

Section 8103 restricts institutions from using federal military higher education funds for marketing and recruiting practices. Such a provision badly implies that federal dollars somehow cause institutions to prey on unsuspecting students and as a practical matter, since revenue streams are fungible, it is highly questionable whether it is possible to isolate federal funds from general operations.

To read the full letter, click here.

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