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Committee Statements

Walberg Statement: Hearing on "Promoting Safe Workplaces Through Effective and Responsible Recordkeeping Standards"

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There are many issues under our jurisdiction that touch workplaces across the country. One of the more important issues is employee health and safety. This is a challenging issue that directly impacts the lives of America’s workers and their families, and one that demands thoughtful and meaningful solutions. As I said at a hearing last month, we all agree that hardworking men and women should be a... Read more »

Foxx Statement: Hearing on “Demanding Accountability at the Corporation for National and Community Service”

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The Corporation for National and Community Service, or CNCS, is in charge of overseeing the community service activities of more than eight different federal programs and initiatives. For the current fiscal year, CNCS received more than $1 billion to carry out these programs, one of which is the AmeriCorps program. As the head of the corporation, Ms. Spencer, you have a responsibility to ensure th... Read more »

Byrne Statement: Markup of H. J. Res. 87

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This resolution is about standing up for the rights of workers and employers. The Obama administration has continually put the interests of union leaders ahead of what’s best for hardworking Americans. It’s disappointing, because working families are struggling in today’s economy, which we recently heard is growing at an anemic rate of only 0.5 percent. Instead of focusing on ways to grow the econ... Read more »

Kline Statement: Markup of H. J. Res. 87 and H.R. 5003, "Improving Child Nutrition and Education Act of 2016"

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Today, the committee will consider two proposals as part of our ongoing efforts to promote responsible solutions to the challenges facing the American people. First, we will consider a resolution to promote fair union elections by blocking the Department of Labor’s “persuader” rule. Over the years, I have often described federal labor policies as a pendulum that swings back and forth each time the... Read more »

Kline Statement: Hearing on “Helping Students Succeed by Strengthening the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act”

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Through the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act, the federal government supports state and local programs designed to prepare high school and community college students for technical careers. These programs offer students the knowledge and training they need to compete in the workforce and hold jobs in a wide range of fields. In other words, they offer opportunities for young men an... Read more »

Kline Statement: Debate on H.R. 4843, the Infant Plan of Safe Care Improvement Act

| Posted in Floor Statements

Like many of the bills the House is slated to consider this week, this legislation will help address the growing opioid epidemic that has swept across America, focusing specifically on the most vulnerable among us. This crisis has led to a number of painful consequences for individuals and families across the country, but few are as tragic as those suffered by infants born to parents struggling wi... Read more »

Barletta Statement: Debate on H.R. 4843, the Infant Plan of Safe Care Improvement Act

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Every 25 minutes in America, a baby is born suffering from opioid withdrawal. It’s an eye-opening statistic, and the more you consider what it really means, the more tragic it becomes. Every 25 minutes, a child enters the world having already been exposed to drugs. Every 25 minutes, a newborn has to pay the price for something he or she was defenseless against. Every 25 minutes, another infant bec... Read more »

Kline Statement: Debate on H.R. 4901, the SOAR Reauthorization Act

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I rise today in strong support of the SOAR Reauthorization Act, which will renew our vital investment in the children who live in the District of Columbia. In passing the Every Student Succeeds Act last year, we took important steps to support and encourage greater school choice for students and their families. These reforms empower parents to do what’s best for their child’s education, and help e... Read more »

Kline Statement: Markup of H.R. 4843, the Improving Safe Care for the Prevention of Infant Abuse and Neglect Act

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Today, the committee will take an important step in preventing the abuse and neglect of infants born with opioid addiction. As we all know, an opioid epidemic has swept across the country. This epidemic is destroying communities; it is destroying families; it is destroying lives; and perhaps most tragically, it is destroying the lives of the most vulnerable among us. The Child Abuse Prevention and... Read more »

Barletta Statement: Markup of H.R. 4843, "Improving Safe Care for the Prevention of Infant Abuse and Neglect Act"

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Substance abuse is a problem that afflicts millions of Americans, and it is something that I consistently hear about when I am back home in Pennsylvania. While its damaging effects are felt across our society, the most tragic cases are those involving newborns. Children who are exposed to illegal substances before they’re born are helpless in avoiding the pain and suffering caused by addiction, an... Read more »

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