This week, President Obama’s controversial recess appointments took their seats at the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). A great deal of legal uncertainty is attached to these appointments and any future action the new board may take. While some question the constitutional implications of these recess appointments, many worry how the new board will affect the workplace. If history serves as a... Read more »
Last week, the Obama administration once again put politics ahead of the American people by announcing three recess appointees to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) at a time when the U.S. Senate was not actually in recess. As the Wall Street Journal proclaimed: Eager to pick a fight with Congress as part of his re-election campaign, Mr. Obama did the Constitutional equivalent of sticking a... Read more »
Last week, the Obama National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) sent another signal to America’s job creators that it’s better to do business somewhere else. For nine months, the NLRB accused The Boeing Company of breaking the law when it decided to build airplanes in South Carolina. As punishment, the NLRB tried to force Boeing to shut down the South Carolina plant and move the work to Washington stat... Read more »
This week, the Obama administration heralded their latest initiative to “fix” the American economy. This time, it is a plan that unilaterally alters federal policies governing federal student loans. Amazingly, the president has pledged this “won’t cost taxpayers a dime.” In fact, White House officials have upped the ante, claiming that this latest government plan will actually end up saving taxpay... Read more »
White House officials announced a new plan they claim will significantly lower student loan payments. In a speech yesterday at the University of Colorado, President Obama told students, “Americans could see their payments go down by hundreds of dollars a month.” Sounds great – but like most things with this administration, the facts reveal that the average student loan holder is unlikely to see an... Read more »
A worker’s right to a secret ballot union election is once again under attack from President Obama’s National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). In its recent Lamons Gasket decision, the NLRB reversed a 2007 holding that provided workers 45 days to request a secret ballot election if their employer decided to voluntarily recognize union representation. Workers may now have to wait up to four years to c... Read more »
Almost immediately after releasing a new report that claims the president’s latest stimulus proposal will “support nearly 400,000 education jobs,” administration officials tried to downplay promises of lasting job creation. According to Wednesday’s Daily Caller article, “White House promises, then retracts, 400,000 teachers”: But administration officials quickly backtracked on the 400,000 number o... Read more »
President Obama last week announced his intent to bypass Congress and coerce American schools into enacting his preferred education agenda. In a speech on Friday, the president stated, “Given that Congress cannot act, I am acting.” The president has indicated the failure to reauthorize current elementary and secondary education law rests squarely on the 112th Congress, which convened just nine sho... Read more »
It wasn’t long ago the American people were promised that health care reform would lower costs. In fact, President Obama repeatedly pledged his health care plan would lower premiums by up to $2,500. Unfortunately, as a recent study by the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation helps make clear, Democrats got their government takeover of health care and the American people are stuck with higher costs. A... Read more »
On Friday, President Obama announced the administration will bypass Congress and impose a new plan to waive federal elementary and secondary education law, currently known as No Child Left Behind, in exchange for states adopting the Secretary of Education’s preferred education agenda. Many have expressed concerns this conditional waivers plan could slow Congressional efforts to rewrite the law and... Read more »