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Left Turns

New Reports Highlight ObamaCare Burdens for Workers and Employers

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From lower wages to skyrocketing costs, the president’s health care law is wreaking havoc on America’s workplaces. The administration has tried desperately to disguise ObamaCare’s harmful effects by changing or delaying portions of the law through executive fiat, but no delay can truly ease the pain being inflicted on workers and employers nationwide: Union Angst Contract negotiations are stalled ... Read more »

ObamaCare’s Growing Threat to America’s Education System

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The ObamaCare credibility gap continues to grow as new evidence of broken promises comes to light. Despite the administration’s repeated pledge health care reform would not harm employment, the New York Times reports teachers and school workers are already experiencing cuts to hours and income thanks to the president’s fatally flawed law: Indiana schools curb student services, cut worker’s hours: ... Read more »

Holding the NLRB Accountable for its Ambush Election Rule

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The Obama National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is once again advancing a radical ambush union election rule. The regulatory proposal would dramatically alter long-standing policies governing union elections, and ultimately stifle employer free speech and cripple worker free choice. First proposed in June 2011, the ambush election rule would make it easier for unions to organize workers and increa... Read more »

Another program?

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President Obama has announced he will create through executive fiat another federal job training program. That’s right – another program on top of the more than 50 federal employment and training programs that already exists. It might have been nice to wait for Vice President Biden to complete his redundant review of the workforce development system before adding more confusion to an already bloat... Read more »

Mr. President, We Know What’s Wrong With the Broken Job Training System; It’s Time to Fix It

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In his State of the Union address, President Obama called for a “year of action” that left many Americans unimpressed. As one political journalist wrote, the president’s agenda includes “small-bore executive orders, studies, summits.” President Obama’s lackluster to-do list was especially evident when he announced Vice President Joe Biden would address job training reform by merely conducting a re... Read more »

Students, Schools, and Colleges Struggle with ObamaCare Consequences

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The House Education and the Workforce Committee is investigating the effects of President Obama's health care law on the nation's schools. Click on the graphic below to read stories collected from news reports, witness testimony, and education stakeholders across the country. Want to share #YourStory? Visit # # # Read more »

Education Leaders Share Their ObamaCare Challenges

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The New Year is ushering in new challenges for the nation’s schools, thanks to the president’s health care law. Following reports of schools forced to cut hours for substitute teachers, limit classes for adjunct professors, or reduce pay to manage higher costs as a result of ObamaCare, the House Education and the Workforce Committee called for feedback from education stakeholders nationwide. Profe... Read more »

Students, Educators, and School Leaders Fear ObamaCare Consequences

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At a recent Education and the Workforce Committee hearing on the effects of ObamaCare on the nation’s education system, witnesses highlighted potential new costs and damaging consequences for schools, colleges, teachers, and students. One higher education leader testified the law’s punitive mandates could force his institution to increase tuition by as much as 20 percent. A public school superinte... Read more »

ObamaCare Creates New Hurdles for Schools, Colleges, and Universities

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Each day we learn more about the devastating effects of the presidents health care law. From website glitches and privacy concerns to cancelled health plans and higher premiums, the laws fatal flaws are exceedingly obvious. And the problems in the law arent just hurting families, businesses, and workers theyre also having a detrimental impact on our nations education system. News reports from acro... Read more »

Then vs. Now: You can't take it with you

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THEN: "If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan, period." President Barack Obama NOW: “Millions of Americans are getting their health insurance cancelled under the Affordable Care Act and the Obama administration has known for about three years that this would happen.” USA Today “More than two million Americans have been told they cannot renew their current i... Read more »

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