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Left Turns

Is Secretary Sebelius still excited?

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President Obama attempted yesterday to address the “outrageous” rollout of his signature health care law, but his speech missed the mark. Ron Fournier of National Journal told MSNBC viewers the president “diminish[ed] the significance of what’s been happening” and ”doesn’t really take full responsibility.” The Wall Street Journal said of the president’s remarks: “Too bad this infomercial lacked ta... Read more »

Did Someone Say "Glitch"?

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Today ObamaCare went live in states across the country – sort of. Though the president admitted there would be “glitches” along the way, he never warned how widespread the errors in this government-run health care system would be. Headlines highlight the delays, errors, and, yes, glitches that are creating angst and frustration as the American people struggle to navigate the next phase in the gove... Read more »

Despite White House Objections, AFL-CIO Joins Chorus of Unions Critical of ObamaCare

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Overcoming White House objections, members of the AFL-CIO approved a resolution that cites a “laundry list of complaints against ObamaCare.” The Federation – which represents more than 12 million workers – described the law as “highly disruptive” to its health care plans. It seems AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka can no longer deny the devastating consequences of a law he once praised as a “histor... Read more »

ObamaCare Veers Off the Tracks

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In the latest sign ObamaCare is a train wreck, the Obama administration has announced it will not enforce the law’s employer mandate next year. This dramatic decision to delay implementation of a critical part of the health care law has surprised many. For weeks the administration has claimed the law was running on schedule except for a few minor bumps in the road. In fact, just last month Health ... Read more »

Why Do Democrats Oppose a Long-Term Student Loan Solution? Answer: 2014

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Today rates on new subsidized Stafford loans double from 3.4 percent to 6.8 percent. But it didn’t have to be this way. The Democrat infighting on student loan interest rates has left a lot of people scratching their heads. In April, President Obama urged Congress to pass a long-term, market based solution that would permanently take the threat of a rate hike off the table. One month later the Hou... Read more »

Where is Senate Democrats’ plan to stop student loan rates from doubling?

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In the debate over student loan interest rates, there’s one major thing missing: Senate action. As a new video points out, the House of Representatives is the only chamber that has passed legislation to prevent student loan interest rates from doubling on July 1st: The House Republican plan, which is similar to a proposal put forth by President Obama, ties interest rates to the market and provides... Read more »

New Survey Latest Rebuttal to Sebelius ‘Speculation’ Theory

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“Speculation.” That’s how Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius described concerns about ObamaCare’s impact on workers and employers. According to the secretary, the law is still being implemented and there is nothing to fear until next year. Unfortunately, the secretary’s flawed theory stands in sharp contrast to the harsh reality reported across the country. A new survey is the l... Read more »

President Abandons His Own Student Loan Proposal

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It wasn’t long ago the president supported a permanent solution to the student loan interest rate crisis. Here is how the administration described the president’s plan in April of this year: The Administration’s FY 2014 Budget proposes to change the structure of interest rates on Federal student and parent loans to provide market-based rates tied to the 10-year Treasury note with specified basis p... Read more »

Revisionist History: Administration Wants a Long-Term Student Loan Fix… No, Wait, Maybe Later.

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Today the Obama administration released a Statement of Administration Policy endorsing a Senate proposal to kick the can down the road on student loan interest rates. The approach now supported by the president would ensure millions of borrowers will face another interest rate cliff in two short years – exacerbating the confusion and uncertainty facing families and students. This is a sharp detour... Read more »

Say WHAT?? Obama Administration Plans Campaign-Style Event on Student Loans

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Tomorrow President Obama will hold an event at the White House to “call on Congress to prevent student loan interest rates from doubling on July 1st.” But wait a minute – the House has already taken action, approving legislation that mirrors the president’s own proposal to shift interest rates to a long-term, market-based solution. That’s right – the Smarter Solutions for Students Act is based on ... Read more »

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