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Left Turns

Tough Week for the Obama Administration

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It’s only Tuesday, but it’s already shaping up to be a tough week for the Obama administration. Just after the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office reported yesterday the 2012 budget deficit hit $1.17 trillion in August, major defense contractors confirmed they will send layoff notices to tens of thousands of workers this November as a result of the president’s own sequestration cuts. And now a... Read more »

Labor Department Fails to Provide the Facts on WARN Act “Guidance”

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Nonpartisan budget experts have warned the country could plunge into another recession if steps aren’t taken to prevent massive tax increases and restore spending discipline in Washington, D.C. House Republicans have taken action to stop looming tax hikes, reduce regulatory uncertainty, and help get our fiscal house in order. In stark contrast, President Obama and his Democrat allies continue to h... Read more »

Small Business Owners Cite Cost of Health Insurance, Economic Uncertainty As Top Problems

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A study released today by the National Federation of Independent Business reveals that the cost of health insurance and economic uncertainty are the most significant problems facing small business owners. The concerns expressed by the nation’s leading job creators are hardly surprising. Small businesses have experienced a 103% rise in health insurance costs in the last decade, greatly diminishing ... Read more »

CBO Confirms: ObamaCare Leads to More Spending and Higher Taxes on Working Families, Job Creators

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Fresh on the heels of news that one in ten U.S. employers will soon drop health care coverage for workers as a result of the job-destroying health care law, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released a new report illustrating ObamaCare’s devastating impact on American families and taxpayers. According to the report, the health care law that President Obama promised would lower costs will lead ... Read more »

An Imperial Presidency: Examining Obama’s History of Legislating by Executive Fiat

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In the coming days, the House of Representatives is expected to vote on the Preserving Work Requirements for Welfare Programs Act, legislation to rein in the president’s latest effort to change federal law without congressional consent. In preparation for the upcoming vote, the House Education and the Workforce Committee compiled the following materials to highlight this and other recent examples ... Read more »

ObamaCare Bad for Job Creators and Workers

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Today the U.S. Supreme Court released its much awaited ruling on the 2010 health care law. Unfortunately, the court’s decision leaves in place a costly and unworkable health care scheme that continues to hurt families, workers, and job creators. Employers play a central role in the nation’s health care system. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, 58 percent of workers have health insurance t... Read more »

Obama Policies Stunting Job Growth, Stalling Economic Recovery

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The Bureau of Labor Statistics this week reported a significant drop in job openings, indicating America’s employers are hesitant to invest in and expand their businesses. Adding insult to injury, economists at Stanford University and the University of Chicago released a new chart on Tuesday showing economic uncertainty has shot up in recent months, a trend these economists have previously noted m... Read more »

Obama NLRB Won’t Take No for an Answer

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Despite President Obama’s erroneous claim “the private sector is doing fine,” the American people aren’t buying it. Washington’s regulatory onslaught has forced many job-creators to sit on the sidelines, and as a result, the nation has experienced 40 straight months of unemployment above 8 percent and millions are searching for work. A notorious example of the regulatory hurdles facing employers i... Read more »

Obama NLRB Extends its Losing Streak in Federal Court

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This week, the Obama National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) suffered yet another defeat in federal court. On Monday, U.S. District Judge James Boasberg – appointed to the federal bench last year by President Obama – rejected the board’s recent ambush election rule. During the final days of 2011, the Obama labor board jammed through the regulatory process sweeping changes to long-standing rules gove... Read more »

Democrats Flip Flop on ObamaCare Slush Fund

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The House is scheduled to vote today on the Interest Rate Reduction Act (H.R. 4682), legislation sponsored by Rep. Judy Biggert (R-IL) that will roll back wasteful ObamaCare spending to pay for a one year extension of the current interest rate on subsidized Stafford Loans made to undergraduate students. The president has visited various battleground states urging Congress to prevent an interest ra... Read more »

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