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We’ve Got Work to Do

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

In his State of the Union address, President Obama was quick to tout his economic record and suggest those who raise concerns with the status of the economy are “peddling fiction.” It’s true that we’ve made progress in recent years, but it’s also important to remember that we’re not out of the woods yet. Not by a long shot. In fact: More than 6 million individuals with part-time jobs want and need... Read more »

Reading #ESSA Right

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

After decades of a flawed, top-down approach to education, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) ends the era of federal overreach and restores control of education to its rightful stewards: parents, teachers, and state and local leaders. Signed into law last month, ESSA has been lauded as “the largest devolution of federal control to the states in a quarter-century.” That’s because the law includ... Read more »

Promoting Americans' Health Care Priorities

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

The House will vote today on a bill to dismantle ObamaCare, continuing an effort to roll back the flawed health care law that is wreaking havoc on working families, small business owners, and students. Rather than help Americans receive the care they want and need, ObamaCare has led to: Higher costs for consumers and small businesses. According to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the average pr... Read more »

Clinton’s Reality Check

| Posted in Left Turns

Republicans have long warned of the harmful consequences of ObamaCare – consequences that include higher costs, less access to trusted health care providers, and fewer full-time jobs. After years of living in denial, it seems some leading Democrats are starting to face reality. At a recent event in Iowa, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton volunteered one reason for the disturbing trend of p... Read more »

Divide and Conquer

| Posted in Left Turns

If at first you don’t succeed, change the rules and try again. That seems to be the motto adopted by Big Labor in its effort to unionize a Tennessee-based Volkswagen plant. After failing to win an election involving all of the plant’s hourly employees, the United Auto Workers prevailed last week in a vote that included only 164 skilled tradesmen, a fraction of the plant’s 1,400 workers. This ploy ... Read more »

Parents, Teachers, State and Local Leaders Praise Passage of Every Student Succeeds Act

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

Yesterday the House passed the Every Student Succeeds Act, taking an important step toward replacing No Child Left Behind and improving K-12 education. The bicameral bill (S. 1177), which passed with overwhelming bipartisan support: Significantly shift(s) authority over the nation’s 100,000 public schools from the federal government to states and local school districts. (Washington Post) Represent... Read more »

Bicameral #ESEA Proposal: What They’re Saying

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

After years of executive overreach and congressional inaction, the House is considering today a proposal that would replace No Child Left Behind and rein in the federal government’s ability to intervene in K-12 education. As news reports highlight, the bicameral legislation, known as the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), reflects principles House Republicans have long-championed: reducing the fed... Read more »

Read the Bill: #ESEA Proposal Ends Federal Common Core Coercion

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

After decades of federal intrusion into the nation’s schools, it’s no surprise the congressional effort to replace No Child Left Behind has been met with some myths and misinformation about how a new education law will affect students, parents, and teachers. In particular, many have voiced concerns about whether the bill prohibits Washington’s involvement in Common Core. Fortunately, it absolutely... Read more »

Empowering Parents with Transparency and Choice

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

Parents play a critical role in helping to ensure their children receive a quality education. Unfortunately, under current federal law, teachers and state and local education leaders are bound by what Washington wants, not by what parents know their children need. The House-Senate proposal to replace No Child Left Behind rejects the Washington-knows-best approach to education and empowers those wh... Read more »

Restoring Local Control of K-12 Education

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

Under No Child Left Behind, federal bureaucrats exercise decision-making power that once rested with states and school districts. Today, Washington controls how states hold schools accountable, how schools hire classroom teachers, and how school districts spend taxpayer dollars. States looking for relief from the federal government’s onerous requirements were greeted with new rules set by the Obam... Read more »

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