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Grading the Administration’s College Scorecard: Incomplete

| Posted in Left Turns

President Obama has unveiled a new “College Scorecard,” an online tool the administration promises will provide prospective students “reliable data on every institution of higher education.” The basic concept behind the scorecard – strengthening transparency in higher education – has long been a bipartisan priority. In fact, Republicans and Democrats are championing a legislative proposal to help ... Read more »

More Time for Overtime: Denied

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Adding insult to injury, the Department of Labor has decided to NOT provide the public more time to weigh in on its overtime proposal. Having heard numerous concerns from stakeholders, the Committee on Education and the Workforce wrote to the department, noting that “the amount of time provided for public comment is insufficient given the significance of the proposed changes.” As the letter explai... Read more »

The NLRB’s Latest Blow to Working Families and Small Businesses

| Posted in Left Turns

They’ve done it again. The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has handed down another misguided decision that will have costly consequences for working families and small businesses. This time, the activist board has redefined what it means to be an employer, blurring the lines of responsibility for decisions affecting the day-to-day operations of hundreds of thousands of businesses across the ... Read more »

Fiduciary Rule Facing Familiar Bipartisan Concerns

| Posted in Left Turns

This is starting to sound familiar. The Department of Labor has again released a regulatory proposal that will make it harder for families to save for retirement. That proposal is again drawing bipartisan concern. And Democrats are again echoing Republicans in pointing out the consequences the proposal could have for low- and middle-income families and small business owners. As Senate Democrats re... Read more »

A Better Approach to Higher Education

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

College costs are on the rise, national student loan debt has eclipsed the $1 trillion mark, and enrollment rates for low-income students are in decline. The Obama administration has responded to those challenges with more regulations and more expensive programs, an approach that is not working for students, families, and taxpayers (despite claims to the contrary). Meanwhile, Congress has responde... Read more »

A Lack of Progress

| Posted in Left Turns

Helping more Americans pursue higher education has long been a national priority. Individuals who complete advanced levels of education are more likely to succeed in the workforce and live more productive lives. Unfortunately, America’s higher education system has become too costly, too bureaucratic, and too outdated to effectively serve students, families, and taxpayers. Education Secretary Arne ... Read more »

Lather, Rinse, Repeat

| Posted in Secret Ballot Watch

Here we go again. A presidential election is on the horizon, and Democrats are on the campaign trail touting Big Labor’s prized card check scheme. That was reportedly one topic former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and labor leaders discussed at a private meeting last week. According to the left-leaning People’s World news site, Secretary Clinton told the AFL-CIO Executive Council: “I believe ... Read more »

Rose-Colored Glasses Can't Hide ObamaCare’s Harmful Effects

| Posted in Left Turns

During a hearing convened by the House Education and the Workforce Committee, Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell tried painting a rosy picture of the president’s health care law. According to Secretary Burwell, because of ObamaCare, “middle class families have more security” and “as a nation, we are spending our health care dollars more wisely and starting to receive higher quality... Read more »

Bipartisan Ideas to Strengthen Higher Education

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

As summer comes to a close and college-goers begin preparing for the fall semester, students and families face tough challenges fulfilling the dream of a higher education that will prepare them to succeed in the workforce: College costs continue to rise. Over the past decade, the average costs at four-year public and private nonprofit institutions increased by 42 percent and 24 percent, respective... Read more »

Strengthening Transparency in Higher Education Act

| Posted in Fact Sheets

THE PROBLEM: Despite repeated attempts to enhance transparency in the higher education system, students and families still struggle to access important information that will assist in their search for the right college or university. The federal government provides financial assistance for millions of students to use at the institution of their choice. Yet students and families face a deluge of d... Read more »

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