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Empowering Students Through Enhanced Financial Counseling Act

| Posted in Fact Sheets

THE PROBLEM: Across the country, tuition costs continue to go up and the job prospects many graduates face remain bleak. It has never been more critical for individuals to make responsible choices regarding how to pay for their postsecondary education. Unfortunately, many students are simply not equipped to make sound financial choices about their college careers. It’s not surprising considering ... Read more »

Flexible Pell Grant for 21st Century Students Act

| Posted in Fact Sheets

THE PROBLEM: Student demographics have changed dramatically in recent decades. Whereas the majority of students used to enroll in a four-year, full-time program fresh out of high school, an increasing number of students – “contemporary students” – are older, have a family, and work full- or part-time jobs. These students are looking to quickly and affordably earn a degree that will help them comp... Read more »

Celebrating Workforce Innovation and Opportunity

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

One year ago today, President Obama signed into law the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). This bipartisan, bicameral legislation is designed to help put Americans back to work by updating and reforming the nation’s broken job training system. As Chairman John Kline (R-MN) said when the law was enacted: We rejected petty politics and put the best interests of working families first. ... Read more »

Student Privacy Protection Act

| Posted in Fact Sheets

THE PROBLEM: For students, parents, and teachers, mobile applications, cloud-based platforms, and other innovative technologies have made education more accessible, reliable, and efficient. It has provided students of all ages and all backgrounds greater access to learning, enhanced communication between teachers and parents, and enabled educators and researchers to better understand student prog... Read more »

‘Free’ Community College Plan Just Got More Expensive. A Lot More Expensive.

| Posted in Left Turns

Since President Obama unveiled his plan to offer “free” community college, the American people have learned there is nothing free about it. News reports quickly revealed the plan was projected to cost taxpayers $60 billion. That is, until congressional Democrats turned the president’s $60 billion idea into a $90 billion legislative proposal. Citing a lead sponsor in the Senate, one news outlet rep... Read more »

NLRB Stalls Misguided Attempt to Weaken Right to Work

| Posted in Left Turns

Under the Obama administration, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has a track record of undermining the rights of both employees and job creators while advancing the interests of Big Labor. Given its pervasive culture of union favoritism, the board surprised many this week when it hit “pause” on its latest effort to stifle employee freedom and choice, stepping back from an attempt to under... Read more »

One Step Closer to Replacing NCLB

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

For years, parents, teachers, and state and local leaders across the country have expressed the urgent need to replace No Child Left Behind, a well-intended but flawed law that has not delivered on its promise to improve K-12 education. Yesterday, the House answered their call to action when members passed the Student Success Act, commonsense legislation that will help ensure students have access ... Read more »

#StudentSuccessAct: Commonsense Reforms the American People Deserve

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

Last month, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan extended the administration’s intrusion into K-12 classrooms when he renewed a controversial temporary, conditional waiver scheme in several states. This is not the first time the secretary has issued waivers – bypassing Congress to dictate education policy is a common theme of this administration. It is, however, the first time the secretary has issu... Read more »

Head Start Turns 50

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

Fifty years ago, one of the most significant early childhood education programs was signed into law: Head Start. Fast forward to 2015 and the program has helped prepare millions of children for success in school. This week's anniversary presents an opportunity to reflect on the importance of Head Start and strengthen the program for future generations. As House Education and the Workforce Committe... Read more »

#FBF: Market-Based student loans ‘a win for students and taxpayers’

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

Two years ago, Washington was embroiled in a classic self-made crisis. Thanks to the political gimmicks of Washington Democrats, interest rates on most federal student loans were set to double. The president called on Congress to pass a long-term, market-based solution that would get Washington out of the business of arbitrarily setting student loan interest rates. Under the leadership of Educatio... Read more »

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