Dear Secretary Duncan and Attorney General Holder: In January the departments of Education and Justice issued joint guidance on school discipline to help prevent discrimination and slow down the "school-to-prison pipeline." The recommendations encourage schools to establish procedures to distinguish between disciplinary infractions appropriately handled by school officials and threats to school s... Read more »
The Obama National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is once again advancing a radical ambush union election rule. The regulatory proposal would dramatically alter long-standing policies governing union elections, and ultimately stifle employer free speech and cripple worker free choice. First proposed in June 2011, the ambush election rule would make it easier for unions to organize workers and increa... Read more »
Dear Mr. Secretary, We are pleased that President Obama has signed into law the Consolidated Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2014, P.L. 113-76. This legislation provides USDA with funding for vital programs and also provides directives that clearly state congressional intent in the implementation of various programs. We want to call your immediate attention to the congressional directive that ... Read more »
President Obama has announced he will create through executive fiat another federal job training program. That’s right – another program on top of the more than 50 federal employment and training programs that already exists. It might have been nice to wait for Vice President Biden to complete his redundant review of the workforce development system before adding more confusion to an already bloat... Read more »
In his State of the Union address, President Obama called for a “year of action” that left many Americans unimpressed. As one political journalist wrote, the president’s agenda includes “small-bore executive orders, studies, summits.” President Obama’s lackluster to-do list was especially evident when he announced Vice President Joe Biden would address job training reform by merely conducting a re... Read more »
Helping more children escape underperforming schools through expanded school choice options is a key priority for the House Committee on Education and the Workforce. As Chairman John Kline (R-MN) recently said, “Charter schools, magnet schools, and scholarship programs have provided thousands of families new hope and opportunity, helping put countless children on the path to a brighter future.” In... Read more »
The House Education and the Workforce Committee is investigating the effects of President Obama's health care law on the nation's schools. Click on the graphic below to read stories collected from news reports, witness testimony, and education stakeholders across the country. Want to share #YourStory? Visit # # # Read more »
Dear Assistant Secretary Michaels: We are increasingly concerned about the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA) reliance on guidance documents, letters of interpretation, and other non-regulatory actions to dramatically change OSHA policy. A glaring example is the June 28, 2011 enforcement guidance to regional administrators regarding family farming operations. The agency should... Read more »
The New Year is ushering in new challenges for the nation’s schools, thanks to the president’s health care law. Following reports of schools forced to cut hours for substitute teachers, limit classes for adjunct professors, or reduce pay to manage higher costs as a result of ObamaCare, the House Education and the Workforce Committee called for feedback from education stakeholders nationwide. Profe... Read more »
Dear Secretary Duncan: On November 20, 2013, the Department of Education published a Federal Register notice announcing the formation of a new negotiated rulemaking panel to examine six issues related to higher education. As the deadline approaches for announcing the list of negotiators, we urge you to ensure the panel is fair and representative of all stakeholders who may be directly affected by... Read more »