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Biden’s Drug-Pricing Scheme Harms Americans With Rare Diseases

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President Biden spoke in South Florida on Tuesday, touting the so-called Inflation Reduction Act’s price controls on prescription drugs. He stated, “This year, we finally beat pharma. … Big pharma lost and Americans won.” This is blatantly false. While Democrats might have “won” a legislative victory—this was no win for Americans with rare diseases who may now never see cures for their disease bro... Read more »

Fraudsters Set to Rob the American People, With Biden’s Blessing

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The Biden administration is practically asking for fraud. The rushed rollout of the student loan cancelation application fails to provide any kind of income verification—despite making the handout contingent on earning less than $125,000 annually. But we’ve seen similar scenarios before. During the pandemic, identity verification requirements for unemployment insurance were significantly loosened,... Read more »

Biden Claims to Put People Over Politics. Start Acting Like It.

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In his speech today at Delaware State University, President Biden continued to tout his illegal student loan scam. Erasing up to $20,000 in federal student loan debt may sound like an act of compassion, but this gambit is a transfer of wealth from hardworking Americans to college educated elites—many of whom can afford to pay back their loans. By labeling this program as federal student loan “forg... Read more »

President Biden Gets an F on Jobs

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President Biden gave a speech today touting his record on jobs. But the truth is Biden’s record on jobs falls flat. Real wages have not kept up with inflation for 17 consecutive months. In fact, workers’ take-home pay has been shrinking. Inflation-adjusted average hourly earnings fell 2.8 percent from August 2021 to August 2022. Many hardworking families are struggling to put food on the table and... Read more »

School Closures & Massive Learning Loss: An Education Nightmare

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Reckless Democrat policies and prolonged school closures have put our students behind academically. According to the Nation’s Report Card, average reading scores for 9-year-olds declined five points in 2022—the largest average reading score decline since 1990. Math scores didn’t fare much better. In fact, a report from Harvard University’s Center for Education Policy Research found students who le... Read more »

Biden Declares “Pandemic is Over” But Still Pushes Illegal Student Loan Bailout

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Democrats are always seeking new ways to expand federal authority, so it’s no surprise that Biden used the pandemic to circumvent Congress to advance radical policies, including a mass student loan bailout. What was surprising? The President recently declaring the pandemic was over. Welcome to 2022, Mr. President. Naturally, Committee Republicans assumed this declaration meant the White House was ... Read more »

Commitment to America: Restoring American Education

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“From the classroom to school board meetings, parents demand unfettered accountability from those who are responsible for teaching their children. They are the torchbearers for their children’s education, and they are a force to be reckoned with. Republicans are working to ensure that students are being given every chance to succeed, whether that is fighting for school choice or restraining the f... Read more »

Hearing Recap: Republicans Slam School Closures

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Today, the Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education held a hearing to discuss the learning loss experienced by students during COVID-19 and made worse by disastrous school closures which, at their peak, affected 97 percent of K-12 students. The learning loss has been catastrophic. The most recent National Assessment of Educational Progress report states that 9-year-olds... Read more »

Foxx Shares a Conservative Vision for Education After High School

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Education and Labor Committee Republican Leader Virginia Foxx (R-NC) discussed America’s broken student loan system and Republican solutions to reform education after high school, so students, borrowers, and taxpayers are protected. Missed Tuesday’s discussion at the American Enterprise Institute? Below are a few key excerpts from Foxx’s speech. Democrats’ radical ‘free college’ agenda hurts Ameri... Read more »

Debunking Democrats’ Union Myths

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American headlines are saturated with an outpouring of pro-union activity and support; major news outlets claim that interest in union organizing is increasing at companies across the country. In reality, a slim percentage of America’s workers are interested in joining a union even as Democrats and the Biden administration assemble task forces and mandate union support. To help cut through the non... Read more »

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