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What They’re Saying: The Education Department’s $311 Billion Budget Blunder

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A new report by the nonpartisan Government Accountability Office revealed that the Department of Education’s estimates on the cost of the federal student loan program were off by hundreds of billions of dollars. The report concludes that the massive budget mistake was due to irresponsible changes to student loan programs and incorrect assumptions about borrowers’ repayment choices and economic cir... Read more »

The Education Department’s $311 Billion Budget Mistake

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The Department of Education (ED) misled taxpayers for decades. Progressive policymakers have claimed that the federal student loan program would pay for itself—this is utterly false. In fact, because of faulty budgeting, this system has been costing taxpayers billions each year. Despite this, Democrats are still lobbying the Biden administration to enact massive loan forgiveness. Here’s what you n... Read more »

@EdLaborGOP Propose Innovative Solutions to Federal Student Loan Chaos

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Our higher education system needs wholesale reform. That’s why Education and Labor Committee Republican Leader Virginia Foxx (R-NC) and Committee Republicans held a roundtable looking at how institutions can have more skin in the game and partner with the private sector to improve student outcomes. Some institutions of higher education are pioneering the practice of offering insurance coverage for... Read more »

Democrats Hurl Insults Instead of Addressing Student Loan Catastrophe

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Politico reported that Republicans “hijacked” and “dominated” yesterday’s hearing on tribal colleges by instead focusing on President Biden’s radical student loan agenda. This tactic clearly upset the Democrats. Rep. Leger Fernandez (D-NM) stated, "The minority has decided to hijack this hearing to score political points about student loans.” And Chairman Scott (D-VA) said he was “disappointed” wi... Read more »

DOL’s Soon-To-Be Policy Blunders: Greatest Hits

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Wages aren’t keeping up with inflation. A Washington Post economic columnist pointed out last week, “Workers are experiencing the biggest decline in years in inflation-adjusted pay.” We can thank Biden’s aggressive regulatory agenda for this "win." What’s more troubling, President Biden’s Department of Labor hasn’t done its worst yet. It is expected to announce dozens of wide-reaching, onerous reg... Read more »

Republican Task Force Offers Health Care Solutions

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As Democrats recklessly spend taxpayer dollars and inject themselves in Americans’ health care decisions, Republicans are offering commonsense solutions to expand options and lower costs. Here is everything you need to know: IMPROVE HEALTH CARE FOR EMPLOYEES AND SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS: Employers of all sizes should be able to provide more affordable health insurance that their employees value. Work... Read more »

Radical Interest Groups Have Biden in their Pocket

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The nation is headed in the wrong direction under the Biden administration, and it doesn’t take much digging to figure out why. This administration was caught red-handed crafting policies at the behest of far-left interest groups. The further left this administration moves, the further we stray from a free and fair society. So, which groups are running the show at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue? To star... Read more »

The NEA Shoves Students, Teachers, and Education Aside to Promote a Radical Agenda

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Last week, members of America’s largest teachers union, the National Education Association (NEA), met to discuss their priorities for the upcoming year. Unsurprisingly, the NEA spent its time pushing for a slew of radical progressive policies instead of focusing on the needs of students. Whereas the NEA should have focused on addressing learning loss exacerbated by school shutdowns, the organizati... Read more »

Quick Take: Another Win for School Choice

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Earlier this week, Arizona made headlines with a significant win for school choice. Under a new law, every Arizona student will soon be eligible for an education savings account (ESA). Parents across the United States are working to end the vise grip teachers unions and progressive school boards exercise over schools. Over the past two years the education bureaucracy ignored parental concerns over... Read more »

Despite Democrats’ Best Efforts, Right to Work Turns 75 Today

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Today is the 75th anniversary of the landmark legislation that allowed states to pass right-to-work laws. Because of this legislation, 27 states allow all workers to choose not to join or pay fees to a union. Unfortunately, the Biden administration and its Big Labor allies put a damper on this momentous anniversary with their campaign to push all workers into unions. The Biden administration’s rad... Read more »

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