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Quick Take: The Biden Administration is Closing a Pathway to the American Dream

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The Biden administration is proposing to end a popular program that connects workers with employers in the midst of a workforce crisis. Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship Programs (IRAPs) were created to expand apprenticeship opportunities by encouraging employer-led innovation. IRAPs give apprenticeship programs flexibility to address our nation’s growing skills gap better. Unfortunately, the Bid... Read more »

The Relentless Assault on Concerned Parents Continues

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President Biden knew that concerned parents would not let their voices be silenced at school boards across the country so he decided that the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) would do his dirty work for him. After the National School Boards Association (NSBA) collaborated with Biden Administration officials in sending an inflammatory letter to Attorney General ... Read more »

Appeals Court Rebukes Biden’s Authoritarian Vaccine Mandate

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President Biden knew that he didn’t have the authority to issue a national vaccine mandate, yet he instructed the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to move forward with this diktat as a “work around.” This case and others are now consolidated in the Sixth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals and we hope that the judges and the American people will take the great arguments from the Fift... Read more »

What You Need to Know: Democrats’ Socialist Spending Spree

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Every aspect of workers’, students’, and job creators’ lives are threatened by the Democrats’ hyper-partisan, reckless spending spree. Parading as an investment, this bill will bankrupt future generations to pay for unnecessary, duplicative, and ineffective proposals that prop up liberal special interests on the backs of hard-working taxpayers. Here is what you need to know about the egregious edu... Read more »

Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Will Wreck Trucking Industry

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Our country is currently facing a massive trucker shortage. Yet President Biden’s new authoritarian federal vaccine mandate provides no exemption for the trucking industry. Forcing a truck driver, who spends most of his time alone to get the COVID-19 vaccine or face losing his job is insane. President Biden’s willingness to exacerbate a trucking shortage, in the middle of a supply chain crisis sho... Read more »

FSA's Cordray is Exacerbating the Student Loan Crisis 

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Chief Operating Officer of Federal Student Aid (FSA) Richard Cordray has a history of government overreach. While heading the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Mr. Cordray relied on expansive executive power to put financial institutions under the thumb of the federal government. There is no question that he is using the same tactics at FSA, destabilizing a student loan program already on the ... Read more »

Caught Red Handed: Democrats’ Tax and Spending Spree Threatens Employer-Sponsored Insurance

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Unsurprisingly, the Democrats’ so-called “Build Back Better” scheme is threatening to derail our entire employer-sponsored insurance (ESI) system. Democrats are willing to rip high-quality coverage from 151 million Americans and remove 2.8 million Americans from their employer-based plan. Contrary to what some are saying on Capitol Hill (including anonymous Ways and Means staff according to a rece... Read more »

What the Supply Chain Crisis Tells Us About the PRO Union Bosses Act

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Christmas is cancelled – at least, in the way Americans have come to know it. Despite COVID-19’s waning risks on indoor gathering, Biden’s supply chain crisis is still threatening to derail the holiday. And labor unions share a large portion of that blame. In a recent Politico opinion piece, while lamenting the perilous state of U.S. shipping logistics even before the pandemic, Rich Lowry writes, ... Read more »

Biden’s Supply Chain Crisis Hits Hungry Students

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“If nothing changes, we will not be able to feed our students anything.” “The kitchens are stretched to the breaking point.” “Something has to give before we lose our minds.” “Does anyone hear us?” Educators and school leaders are in crisis mode. Food supplies are drying up. And children, who have already lost a year of in-person learning, are now faced with the prospect of supply chain-related sc... Read more »

Quick Take: Taxpayer Bailout of Failing Pensions Didn’t Protect Workers or Retirees

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The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) just confirmed what Republicans knew to be true, but Democrats refused to admit: the taxpayer-funded bailout of failing and insolvent multiemployer pension plans will fail. Despite a massive influx in taxpayer dollars, PBGC is still on track for insolvency. What’s equally concerning, the price tag for the program continues to rise. When Democrats pas... Read more »

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