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Democrats Fund Left Wing Wish Lists Under Guise of COVID-19 Relief

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Democrats are filling their partisan spending scheme with liberal wish lists unrelated to public health initiatives. This sham of a bill preys on an American crisis by senselessly spending taxpayer dollars while those same taxpayers can barely make ends meet. Democrats are struggling to grasp what true COVID-19 relief should look like. Of the $1.9 trillion in their latest spending bill, the CBO es... Read more »

Democrats Vote Against School Reopenings

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Yesterday, while the White House was busy walking back its promise to reopen schools, the House Education and Labor Committee Republicans worked to advance commonsense proposals to support school reopenings. Sadly, Democrats blocked every single amendment that would give students the opportunity to learn in-person. Democrats have repeatedly chosen to back left wing special interests instead of pro... Read more »

Democrats’ Job Destroying Bill: What They’re Saying

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Today, the House will vote on H.R. 447, the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021. At a time when workers are desperately seeking to reenter the workforce, H.R. 447 will limit employers’ abilities to create apprenticeship programs that meet the unique needs of workers and encourages union giveaways. Democrats’ approach to apprenticeships doubles down on burdens that prevent more workers from accessi... Read more »

Is Walsh Anti-Worker?

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The Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee will hold a confirmation hearing today for President Biden’s nominee for Secretary of Labor, Mayor Marty Walsh. Education and Labor Committee Republicans have legitimate concerns that President Biden’s nominee will fail to deliver for America’s workers and job creators. We’re hoping to get some answers to a few questions today. Will Walsh... Read more »

Questions for Cardona

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Today, the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee will hold a confirmation hearing for Miguel Cardona, President Biden’s nominee to lead the Department of Education. Ahead of today’s confirmation hearing, Education and Labor Committee Republicans have a few questions: Will Mr. Cardona work with states to safely reopen America’s schools? The CDC recently stated that America’s schoo... Read more »

A Death Knell for Businesses

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A study published this week called President Biden’s minimum wage mandate a “death knell” for businesses. This isn’t surprising. The Democrats’ radical, job-killing proposal could kill nearly 4 MILLION jobs according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. This ill-timed political stunt from Democrats will fail to deliver their promises of bigger paychecks. In reality, it will result in si... Read more »

CDC Says Schools Can Reopen

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Yesterday, the New York Times reported that “federal health officials weighed in with a call for returning children to the nation’s classrooms as soon as possible, saying the ‘preponderance of available evidence’ indicates that in-person instruction can be carried out safely as long as mask-wearing and social distancing are maintained.” Parents across America have been caught in an inescapable vic... Read more »

ICYMI: A 70-Year-Old Precedent Down the Drain

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Civility, unity, and a bipartisan path forward. During his inaugural address earlier this week, President Joe Biden preached that very message to the nation as he called for an end to “this uncivil war.” Just minutes after being sworn in, President Biden demanded that National Labor Relations Board General Counsel Peter Robb resign from his Senate-confirmed, four-year appointment, or be fired. Rep... Read more »

ICYMI: More Relief Available for Students

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K-12 Students The Education Department recently announced more than $54 billion in emergency relief funding is now available to support the safe reopening of K-12 schools. In addition to the money for public schools, there is an additional $2.75 billion to help private K-12 schools serve their students through this pandemic. Studies show that school closures have had damaging impacts on our nation... Read more »

ICYMI: Pandemic Exacerbates Skills Gap

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The coronavirus pandemic swept the nation in 2020 disrupting all facets of American life, including how we work. Countless reports, studies, and experts have cautioned the pandemic will further exacerbate our nation’s skills gap, displacing workers who lack the skills to keep up with technological changes. As we begin the 117th Congress, Committee Republicans remain committed to identifying ways t... Read more »

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