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What’s Not Helping Close the Skills Gap: Joint Employer Confusion

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With more than six million jobs unfilled, addressing our nation’s skills gap is key to empowering more Americans to succeed in the workforce. That’s why promoting skills-based education — including apprenticeship programs — is a leading priority for Congress and the administration. Unfortunately, one extreme policy could hinder an ongoing effort to encourage employers to expand innovative earn-and-learn opportunities for employees. At a recent Committee on Education and the Workforce hearing, witnesses explained how the expanded National Labor Relations Board joint employer standard undermines workforce development programs. Read more »

One Step Closer...

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Today, the House of Representatives voted to pass the budget. This is not only a major win for the American people, but it also signals that the road ahead is clear for the first comprehensive tax reform since 1986. A report from the Council of Economic Advisers found that American families can anticipate an average $4,000 annual wage increase under the Republican pro-growth tax framework. $4,000 is no small pay raise. With more wages back in the pockets of American workers and their families, it’s irresistible to start thinking of the possibilities. So as the finish line for tax reform comes into sight, ask yourself: what will your family do with an extra $4,000? Read more »

A Real Plan for Higher Wages

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After years of slow wage growth, how can we turn things around for America’s workers? The answer isn’t more mandates and big-government policies. That’s what we got during eight years of the Obama administration, and the results weren’t good for anybody. Read more »

5 Reasons Small Businesses Need Association Health Plans

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5 Reasons Small Businesses Need Association Health Plans This week, Chairwoman Foxx joined President Trump at the White House as he signed an executive order to allow small businesses to join together through association health plans (AHPs). House Republicans have been fighting for this type of free-market reform for years. In fact, the Committee on Education and the Workforce advanced and the House passed legislation earlier this year to expand access to affordable health care for small business employees through AHPs. The President’s action is certainly a victory for small businesses and their employees, and here’s why: 1. 56,800,000. That’s the number of workers employed by a small business, representing nearly half of the private-sector workforce. And it’s the number of people who stand to benefit from association health plans. 2. Small businesses need more options. Obamacare has hit small businesses especially hard, leaving them with fewer choices. As one small business owner explained to Congress: “As a small business owner, I recall the days before the ACA when we would receive a 2-inch notebook that contained multiple quotes from different health insurance companies. Now, our options are listed on a single legal sized sheet of paper.” 3. Small businesses face soaring health care costs. According to the National Federation of Independent Business, the cost of health care was the top concern to small businesses in 2016. Because of rising costs, many small businesses have been forced to stop providing coverage to their employees. In fact, since 2008, the share of small businesses with fewer than 10 employees offering health coverage has declined by 36 percent. 4. Jobs are at stake. Because of soaring costs under Obamacare, small businesses have lost 300,000 jobs and $19 billion in lost wages. At least 10,000 small businesses have closed their doors, according to the American Action Forum. 5. It’s about fairness. Due to their size and economies of scale, large businesses and labor organizations are able to negotiate for high-quality health care at a more affordable cost for their employees. Small businesses don’t have the same bargaining power. Relief is on the way. AHPs will make a real difference in the lives of millions of small business employees by leveling the playing field, expanding affordable health care options, and promoting a more competitive health insurance marketplace. Learn more here. Read more »

The Real World Impact of the Joint Employer Scheme

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Since the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) adopted its extreme joint employer scheme two years ago, local businesses across the country have been calling on Congress to act. As Chairwoman Foxx recently said, “their concerns haven’t gone unanswered. Clearing up the confusion and uncertainty surrounding the joint employer issue has long been a priority for this committee.” That’s why, today, the committee will mark up the Save Local Business Act (H.R. 3441), bringing us one step closer to delivering the joint employer clarity these hardworking men and women desperately need: • “[The Save Local Business Act] is just one example of how policy changes that reduce regulation and unnecessary red tape can spark optimism within the small business community.” — Matthew Lewis, Sport Clips, Raleigh, NC • “When you’ve worked your way up from the bottom like I have, you don’t like to see anyone knock you back down. It's time we clear up the confusion of joint employer for local business owners and all of those depending on us, and I am confident that the Save Local Business Act does just that.” — Tamra Kennedy, Taco John’s, Roseville, MN Read more »

Local Business Owner Talks Joint Employer

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Small businesses work hard to create local jobs and opportunities, and they invest directly into their communities. But because of an extreme and unworkable joint employer rule, many small business owners are now mired in a confusing legal landscape they never planned for. Tamra Kennedy, a local restaurant owner, recently shared her story on how the new joint employer scheme puts her business at risk. Watch: We should be making it easier, not harder, for local business owners like Tamra to succeed. The Save Local Business Act restores the commonsense understanding of what it means to be an employer, and provides small businesses with the joint employer relief they need. Read more »

Joint Employer Threat Stifles Small Business Growth

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Like many small business owners, Kristie Arslan and her husband are looking for growth opportunities. They own a small gourmet popcorn shop in Alexandria, VA, and were considering opening five new locations through franchising. Read more »

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