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Moving in the Right Direction

What Responsible Safety Enforcement Looks Like

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Providing every American worker strong health and safety protections is a priority that stretches across party lines. That is why the House Education and the Workforce Committee has raised concerns with a number of actions taken by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, such as: Altering long-standing policies outside the public rulemaking process; Faling to conduct proper oversight of... Read more »

Responsible Reforms for Working Families

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Throughout the 113th Congress, the House has been laser-focused on growing the economy and building a better future for all Americans. This week was no different, with the chamber advancing legislation that will help lower energy costs and spur job creation. The Education and the Workforce Committee has played an integral role in this ongoing effort to support working families. Here are just a few... Read more »

Strengthening Child Care Support for Working Families

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Continuing its efforts to support working families, the House passed a bipartisan, bicameral agreement to reform and reauthorize the Child Care and Development Block Grant program. A vital lifeline for parents working or pursuing an education, the program helps provide low-income families access to safe, quality child care. The bill passed last night includes important reforms that are long overdu... Read more »

Advancing Reforms for Students, Vulnerable Youth, and Working Families

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With difficult challenges facing the country, the Education and the Workforce Committee is advancing bold reforms that will help improve the lives of students, vulnerable youth, and working families. With Congress set to adjourn for the August district work period, now is a good time to take a look back at what’s been accomplished this year. Below are some of the things the committee has been work... Read more »

Supporting Victims of Youth Sex Trafficking

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The House is set to consider this week bipartisan legislation to strengthen support for youth who are victims of sex trafficking. With an estimated 300,000 children at risk of being victimized each year, youth sex trafficking is a crisis that demands national attention. As Rep. Todd Rokita (R-IN), chairman of the Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education, noted at a rece... Read more »

Strengthening America’s Higher Education System

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With the summer in full-swing, students and prospective students are making important choices about their higher education. Mary Anna Dennard, founder of, writes in Huffington Post: College tuition is at an all-time high, as are the stakes for families across the country. Students struggle with decisions about where to apply and which major to choose. It’s a pivotal time f... Read more »

Bipartisan, Bicameral Job Training Bill a Win for Workers and Taxpayers

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This week the House will consider the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), legislation to help put Americans back to work by reforming the nation’s outdated workforce development system. Overwhelmingly approved by the Senate in June, this bipartisan, bicameral legislation embodies the principles for job training reform Republicans have long championed. Streamlines a confusing maze of p... Read more »

Support Grows for Job Training Agreement

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Backing for the bipartisan, bicameral Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) continues to grow. Key stakeholders in the nation’s job training system praise the proposal, which reforms the outdated policies by eliminating redundant programs, increasing flexibility to local workforce development leaders, and providing job-creators a greater role in ensuring workers learn the skills needed i... Read more »

What They’re Saying: Education Stakeholders Express Support for Bipartisan Charter School Bill

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Education and community leaders are voicing support for the Success and Opportunity through Quality Charter Schools Act (H.R. 10), bipartisan legislation to support charter school growth that is expected to be considered by the House this week. Stakeholders praise the legislation for bolstering local charter school initiatives, aiding the expansion and replication of quality charter school models,... Read more »

Save American Workers Act Helps Protect Schools from Flawed Health Care Law

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ObamaCare continues to harm American families through canceled plans, lower wages, and skyrocketing costs. This week the House will vote on a bill to provide relief from one of the law’s most onerous provisions. The Save American Workers Act (H.R. 2575) will repeal ObamaCare’s 30-hour definition of “full-time” employment and restore the traditional 40-hour work week. The so-called “30-hour rule” i... Read more »

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