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Kline to Deliver Weekly Republican Address on Student Loan Interest Rate Debate

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Tomorrow House Education and the Workforce Committee Chairman John Kline (R-MN) will deliver the weekly Republican address. During the address, Chairman Kline will urge President Obama to demonstrate leadership in the student loan interest rate debate, and encourage the Senate to take action on the long-term, market-based solution students and families need. “Unless the Senate acts, millions of ne... Read more »

VIDEO RELEASE: Kline: It's Time for Presidential Leadership on Student Loans

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House Education and the Workforce Committee Chairman John Kline (R-MN) today joined House Republican leaders at a press conference to discuss the urgent need for Senate action on a permanent fix to the student loan interest rate problem. The House has passed bipartisan legislation that will prevent new subsidized Stafford Loan interest rates from doubling on July 1st. In his remarks, Chairman Klin... Read more »

VIDEO RELEASE: Kline Urges President to Lead on Student Loan Rates

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House Education and the Workforce Committee Chairman John Kline (R-MN) reaffirmed his commitment to finding a permanent fix to prevent new subsidized Stafford Loan interest rates from doubling on July 1st. In May, the House passed the Smarter Solutions for Students Act, legislation that mirrors President Obama’s call for a long-term, market-based solution to the student loan interest rate problem.... Read more »

Foxx Statement: Hearing on "Keeping College Within Reach: Discussing Program Quality through Accreditation”

| Posted in Committee Statements

Based on an idea of self-regulation, accreditation was originally developed to assure and improve excellence in higher education programs. When the federal government began investing in higher education, accreditation took on another role by ensuring that the gate to federal funds is open only to high quality academic institutions. Today the federal government, states, and accrediting agencies – k... Read more »

Kline Calls for Compromise on Student Loan Rates

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House Education and the Workforce Committee Chairman John Kline (R-MN) has called on President Obama and Senate Democrats to work with congressional Republicans to negotiate a long-term solution to the student loan interest rate problem. During an interview posted on the Yahoo! Finance website earlier today, Chairman Kline said, "I’ve felt for a long time that we ought to get out of the business o... Read more »

ICYMI: Student loan rates: Let the market decide, not politicians

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There may be few issues that Republicans and Democrats agree on these days, but protecting college students and graduates from sky-high student loan rates should be one of them. The Smarter Solutions for Students Act, currently pending before the Senate, ties student loan rates to the market instead of leaving interest rates up to politicians’ whims. On July 1, these rates are set to double from ... Read more »

Kline, Foxx: Reckless Regulation Threatens Students, Schools, and Economy

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House Education and the Workforce Committee Chairman John Kline (R-MN) and Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC), chair of the Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Training, issued the following statement on the Obama administration’s decision to continue pursuing the widely-panned ‘gainful employment’ regulation: It is disgraceful the administration continues to ignore the significant threat the so... Read more »

***MEDIA ADVISORY*** Subcommittee to Discuss the Role of Accreditation in Quality Higher Education Programs

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On Thursday, June 13 at 10:00 a.m., the Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Training, chaired by Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC), will hold a hearing entitled, “Keeping College Within Reach: Discussing Program Quality Through Accreditation.” The hearing will take place in room 2175 of the Rayburn House Office Building. Accreditation plays an important role in promoting the academic quality of... Read more »

ICYMI: Rep. Messer Calls on President, Senate to Join House Effort to Prevent Student Loan Rate Hike

| Posted in In Case You Missed It

On Saturday Representative Luke Messer (R-IN) discussed the Smarter Solutions for Students Act (H.R. 1911) in the weekly GOP address. Recently approved by the House of Representatives, this commonsense legislation would stop new subsidized student loan interest rates from doubling on July 1st. During his remarks, Rep. Messer explained how H.R. 1911 is a long-term, market-based solution that takes ... Read more »

President Abandons His Own Student Loan Proposal

| Posted in Left Turns

It wasn’t long ago the president supported a permanent solution to the student loan interest rate crisis. Here is how the administration described the president’s plan in April of this year: The Administration’s FY 2014 Budget proposes to change the structure of interest rates on Federal student and parent loans to provide market-based rates tied to the 10-year Treasury note with specified basis p... Read more »

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