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Empowering Workers to Succeed

Leadership & Results Part 1: Empowering Americans to Compete in the Workforce

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

Under the leadership of Chairman John Kline (R-MN), the House Committee on Education and the Workforce has been working hard on behalf of students, small business owners, teachers, and working families. And by improving education, retirement, job training, and more, the committee has delivered impressive results. This is the first in a series of releases that will look back at some important refor... Read more »

A Better Way in September

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

House Republicans have been working to provide Americans A Better Way, moving forward with a bold policy agenda to tackle the country’s challenges. September was no exception, with the Committee on Education and the Workforce advancing positive solutions that will help individuals compete in the workforce, prepare for the future, and achieve a lifetime of success. Here are a few things we’ve been ... Read more »

Kline Statement: Debate on H.R. 5587, the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act

| Posted in Floor Statements

A quality education is vital to succeeding in today’s workforce. However, it’s important to know that a quality education doesn’t have to mean a four-year college degree. Career and technical education can be just as valuable, and for many individuals, it’s the path that’s best for them. Earlier this year, members on the Education and the Workforce Committee heard from Paul Tse. Paul struggled as ... Read more »

Thompson Statement: Debate on H.R. 5587, the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act

| Posted in Floor Statements

A weak economy and advances in technology have dramatically changed today’s job market, creating both challenges and opportunities for men and women entering the workforce. That is why equipping today’s students with the tools they need to remain competitive is essential. One way we can achieve that goal is by strengthening career and technical education programs for those eager to pursue pathways... Read more »

Rethinking Pathways to Prosperity

| Posted in In Case You Missed It

Career and technical education helps students acquire the education, skills, and experience they need to compete and succeed in the workforce. That’s why Reps. Glenn “GT” Thompson (R-PA) and Katherine Clark (D-MA) introduced—and the committee unanimously approved—the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (H.R. 5587). In an op-ed for U.S. News and World Report, Char... Read more »

A CTE Home Run

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

When Jasmine Morgan began her freshman year at Brookwood High School in Snellville, Georgia, a teacher recognized Jasmine’s talents and encouraged her to enroll in the marketing and entrepreneurship courses the school offered through its career and technical education (CTE) program. Jasmine quickly flourished in her program—even taking on leadership roles—and began to envision a career path for he... Read more »

Success Through CTE

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

From electrical engineering to aeronautical re-manufacturing, career and technical education (CTE) plays an important role in helping students explore and pursue a career path in a wide variety of fields. Alex Wolff’s story is just one example. While attending school in Santa Barbara, California, Alex enrolled in the Santa Barbara County Regional Occupational Program/CTE Electronic Technology cour... Read more »

Another CTE Success Story

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

Meet Rob Griffin. When Rob began school at Dalton High in Whitfield County, Georgia, he became interested in a series of engineering courses the school offered as an elective. It was these courses that would start Rob on the path to a fulfilling and successful career. Like many career and technical education (CTE) programs, the drafting and engineering coursework Rob took at Dalton helped him gain... Read more »

#TBT: Gov. Pence on the Importance of CTE

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

Policymakers across the country—and on both sides of the aisle—have long recognized the critical role career and technical education (CTE) plays in helping prepare students for future success. In February 2015, one of those policymakers, Indiana Governor Mike Pence, appeared before the committee and discussed how the Hoosier State was “offering new pathways to success for all of Indiana’s students... Read more »

Standing Up for Startups

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

The opportunity for hardworking men and women to take a risk, start their own business, and climb the economic ladder is an essential part of the American Dream. Unfortunately, that dream is slipping out of reach for many Americans. With small business creation at a 22 year low and economic growth hovering around an anemic 1 percent, our country desperately needs policies that empower entrepreneur... Read more »

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