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Empowering Workers to Succeed

***MEDIA ADVISORY*** TODAY: #SKILLSAct Press Conference at Northern Virginia Community College

| Posted in Press Releases

Today at 11:15 a.m. EST, House Committee on Education and the Workforce Chairman John Kline (R-MN) will join Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) and House Republicans to tour the automotive program at the Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA) in Alexandria and hold a press conference on this week’s House vote on the Supporting Knowledge and Investing in Lifelong Skills (SKILLS) Act. WHO: Major... Read more »

Walberg Statement: Hearing on "Examining the Role of Lower-SKilled Guest Worker Programs in Today's Economy"

| Posted in Committee Statements

Legal immigration is a hallmark of this great country. Families and individuals from around the world have come to our shores in pursuit of freedom and opportunity. President Reagan often referred to our nation as “a shining city upon a hill.” For those who have followed its light, we have tried to provide a legal framework for entering and residing inside the United States. Such a framework is cr... Read more »

What They're Saying: Governors Support GOP Job Training Reform Efforts

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The nation’s governors are voicing their support for reforms included in the Supporting Knowledge and Investing in Lifelong Skills (SKILLS) Act (H.R. 803), legislation to create a more transparent and effective workforce development system. As the leaders note in letters to the committee, H.R. 803 will expand decision-making at the local level, allowing states to eliminate waste and implement prog... Read more »

Visit to Local Community College Highlights Urgent Need for Job Training Reform

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House Republicans today visited a workforce development center at Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA) to discuss the need to reform the nation’s broken job training system. House Education and the Workforce Committee Chairman John Kline (R-MN), Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA), Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Training Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC), and Representative Susa... Read more »

***MEDIA ADVISORY*** Subcommittee to Examine Lower-Skilled Guest Worker Programs

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On Thursday, March 14 at 10:00 a.m., the Subcommittee on Workforce Protections, chaired by Rep. Tim Walberg (R-MI), will hold a hearing entitled “Examining the Role of Lower-Skilled Guest Worker Programs in Today’s Economy.” The hearing will take place in room 2175 of the Rayburn House Office Building. The Immigration and Nationality Act includes a number of guest worker visa programs, such as the... Read more »


| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

This week the U.S. House of Representatives is expected to consider the Supporting Knowledge and Investing in Lifelong Skills (SKILLS) Act (H.R. 803), commonsense legislation that will reform the nation’s broken job training system and help put Americans back to work. The following infographic, released today by the House Education and the Workforce Committee, underscores the need for reform and o... Read more »

What They’re Saying: Employers Praise Job Training Reforms

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Organizations representing our nation’s employers are applauding the commonsense reforms included in the Supporting Knowledge and Investing in Lifelong Skills (SKILLS) Act, which was approved by the House Education and the Workforce Committee on Wednesday. As noted in letters to the committee, the SKILLS Act (H.R. 803) will reform the nation’s broken job training system by strengthening the role o... Read more »

Committee Approves Critical Job Training Reforms

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The House Committee on Education and the Workforce, chaired by Rep. John Kline (R-MN), approved legislation to reform the nation’s workforce development system and help ensure workers and employers have the resources they need to be successful in today’s economy. Introduced by Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Training Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC), the Supporting Knowledge and Inve... Read more »

Just the Facts: The SKILLS Act Supports the Nation’s Most Vulnerable Workers

| Posted in Just the Facts

Right now the House Education and the Workforce Committee is considering the SKILLS Act (H.R. 803), a commonsense proposal to reform the nation’s broken job training system and help put Americans back to work. Opponents of the SKILLS Act claim the proposal will divert resources and support away from workers with unique barriers to employment, such as individuals with disabilities. However, a quick... Read more »

Kline Statement: Markup of H.R. 803, the Supporting Knowledge and Investing in Lifelong Skills Act (H.R. 803)

| Posted in Committee Statements

Today the committee will consider H.R. 803, the Supporting Knowledge and Investing in Lifelong Skills Act. This important legislation will strengthen the workforce investment system, help put Americans back to work, and make our nation more competitive in the 21st century. Through the committee’s oversight, we’ve become very familiar with the challenges plaguing the current job training system. A ... Read more »

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