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Empowering Workers to Succeed

ICYMI: Jobs for skilled workers are going unfilled

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The Department of Labor reports 3.7 million jobs remain unfilled, despite the fact that nearly 13 million unemployed Americans are searching for work. Employers largely attribute this discrepancy to a lack of skilled workers, and many workers report the nation’s federal workforce development system is failing to provide the training and education they need to succeed. On Thursday, the House Commit... Read more »

Committee Approves Vital Job Training Reforms

| Posted in Press Releases

The House Committee on Education and the Workforce, chaired by Rep. John Kline (R-MN), today approved legislation to fix the nation’s broken workforce training system and help ensure workers have the skills and education they need to succeed. The Workforce Investment Improvement Act of 2012 (H.R. 4297) will reauthorize the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA) and was approved in a vote of 23 to ... Read more »

Part III: Despite False Rhetoric, Job Training Reforms Beneficial to Workers, Employers, and Taxpayers

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

The House Education and the Workforce Committee is currently considering comprehensive reforms to the nation’s workforce development system. The Workforce Investment Improvement Act of 2012 (H.R. 4297) advances commonsense changes to federal job training assistance by eliminating dozens of ineffective and redundant programs, strengthening the role of employers, promoting new tools that will help c... Read more »

Part II: Despite False Rhetoric, Job Training Reforms Beneficial to Workers, Employers, and Taxpayers

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

The House Education and the Workforce Committee is currently considering comprehensive reforms to the nation’s workforce development system. The Workforce Investment Improvement Act of 2012 (H.R. 4297) advances commonsense changes to federal job training assistance by eliminating dozens of ineffective and redundant programs, strengthening the role of employers, promoting new tools that will help c... Read more »

Organizations Representing America’s Job Creators Support Republican Job Training Reforms

| Posted in Press Releases

Today the House Education and the Workforce Committee is considering legislation to fix a broken workforce development system and help put Americans back to work. The Workforce Investment Improvement Act of 2012 (H.R. 4297) will eliminate dozens of ineffective programs; create a single, flexible Workforce Investment Fund; strengthen the role of job creators in workforce development decisions; and ... Read more »

Part I: Despite False Rhetoric, Job Training Reforms Beneficial to Workers, Employers, and Taxpayers

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

Today the House Education and the Workforce Committee is set to consider comprehensive reforms to the nation’s workforce development system. The Workforce Investment Improvement Act of 2012 advances commonsense changes to federal job training assistance by eliminating dozens of ineffective and redundant programs, strengthening the role of employers, promoting new tools that will help close the ski... Read more »

Foxx Statment: Markup of H.R. 4297, the Workforce Investment Improvement Act of 2012

| Posted in Committee Statements

Thank you, Chairman Kline. Before I describe the changes included in the substitute amendment, I would like to thank you and your staff for all the hard work invested in the legislation we are considering today. I would also like to thank Representatives Buck McKeon and Joe Heck – my partners in this important endeavor – for their valuable contributions to the Workforce Investment Improvement Act ... Read more »

Kline Statement: Markup of H.R. 4297, the Workforce Investment Improvement Act of 2012

| Posted in Committee Statements

Today we will consider H.R. 4297, the Workforce Investment Improvement Act of 2012. The legislation makes long overdue changes to the Workforce Investment Act, which expired nearly a decade ago. I want to thank my colleagues for their work on this issue, including the sponsors of the legislation, Representatives Virginia Foxx, Buck McKeon, and Joe Heck. In January, President Obama stood before the... Read more »

ICYMI: Let’s replace failed job training system with one that works

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By Reps. Virginia Foxx (R-NC), Howard "Buck" McKeon (R-CA), and Joe Heck (R-NV) In January, President Obama told the story of Jackie Bray, who found employment after participating in a job training program at a local community college. The president urged Congress to "cut through the maze of confusing training programs" so workers have "one program" for all the help they need and help provide two... Read more »

Foxx, McKeon, and Heck Welcome Markup of Key Legislation to Help Put Americans Back to Work

| Posted in Press Releases

The House Committee on Education and the Workforce will on Thursday consider legislation introduced by Reps. Virginia Foxx (R-NC), Howard “Buck” McKeon (R-CA), and Joe Heck (R-NV) that will help unemployed Americans gain the skills and education necessary to fill in-demand jobs. Today, more than 47 job training programs are scattered across the federal government, a bureaucratic mess that fails to... Read more »

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