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Committee Leaders Applaud Passage of Bill to Rein in NLRB

| Posted in Press Releases

The U.S. House of Representatives today approved a key component of the House Republican Plan for America's Job Creators. Introduced by Representative Tim Scott (R-SC), the Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act (H.R. 2587)prevents the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) from dictating where a private business can create jobs. H.R. 2587 received bipartisan support in a vote of 238 to 1... Read more »

Free Market Advocates Call for House Passage of Legislation to Rein in NLRB

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

Right now, the House of Representatives is considering legislation to protect American jobs from an activist National Labor Relations Board. The Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act (H.R. 2587) will stop the NLRB from dictating where an employer can and cannot create jobs. It is the first jobs bill of the fall legislative agenda. While opponents of the legislation continue their campai... Read more »

America's Job Creators Urge Support for Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

Today, the House of Representatives will consider legislation that protects job creators by reining in an activist National Labor Relations Board. The Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act (H.R. 2587) will stop the NLRB from dictating where an employer can and cannot create jobs. It is the first jobs bill of the fall legislative agenda. While opponents of the legislation spread misinfor... Read more »

Kline Statement: H.R. 2587, Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act

| Posted in Floor Statements

The Protecting Jobs From Government Interference Act is a commonsense proposal that will prevent the National Labor Relations Board from dictating where an employer can and cannot create work. Upon the date of enactment, this limitation will apply to all cases that have not reached final adjudication by the full board. Now more than ever, the American people are looking for leadership out of Washi... Read more »

Despite False Rhetoric, Reining In NLRB Good for Job Creators and American Workers

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

Tomorrow, the House of Representatives will consider legislation that prohibits the National Labor Relations (NLRB) from dictating where a private employer can and cannot create jobs. Critics of the Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act (H.R. 2587) have touted bogus rhetoric in an attempt to discredit this sensible reform. The Education and the Workforce Committee is committed to suppor... Read more »

***MEDIA ADVISORY*** Subcommittee Hearing on Workforce Challenges Facing the Agriculture Industry

| Posted in Press Releases

On Tuesday, September 13 at 10:00 a.m., the Subcommittee on Workforce Protections, chaired by Rep. Tim Walberg (R-MI), will hold a hearing entitled, “Workforce Challenges Facing the Agriculture Industry.” The hearing will take place in room 2175 of the Rayburn House Office Building. Each year, agriculture employers petition for thousands of seasonal guest workers through the H-2A visa program. Bef... Read more »

President Proposes More Stimulus, Bailouts, and Government for the Nation’s Schools

| Posted in Left Turns

Yesterday, President Obama addressed a joint session of Congress to outline his latest plan to jump-start the economy. With 14 million workers unemployed and job creation stalled, the nation hoped for fresh ideas that will help put the American people back to work. Instead of offering a new vision to move the country forward, President Obama demanded more of the same policies that have burned work... Read more »

Kline Statement on President's Address to Congress

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House Committee on Education and the Workforce Chairman John Kline (R-MN) issued the following remarks after President Barack Obama’s address to a joint session of Congress: On education and school construction… “At its core, education is a jobs issue, and we must encourage policies that help prepare today’s students to join tomorrow’s workforce. More stimulus spending is not the right solution to... Read more »

Committee Examines Local Ideas to Improve Federal Job Training Services

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Today, the U.S. House Committee on Education and the Workforce, chaired by Rep. John Kline (R-MN), held a field hearing in Nevada’s Third Congressional District to examine the need for responsible reforms to federal job training services. Reps. Joe Heck (R-NV) and Howard P. “Buck” McKeon (R-CA) joined Chairman Kline at the field hearing. During the hearing, witnesses testified about the challenges... Read more »

***MEDIA ADVISORY*** Committee Hearing to Examine Local Ideas to Reform Federal Job Training Programs

| Posted in Press Releases

On Tuesday, August 30th at 11:00 a.m. PDT, Chairman John Kline (R-MN) will join Rep. Joe Heck (R-NV) in Nevada’s 3rd Congressional District to host a field hearing entitled, “Examining Local Solutions to Strengthen Federal Job Training Programs.” The field hearing will take place at the Opportunity Village, Ralph and Betty Englestad Campus, located at 6050 South Buffalo Drive in Las Vegas. Today, ... Read more »

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