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Empowering Workers to Succeed

ObamaCare: Penalizing Small Businesses for Creating Jobs and Raising Wages

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Last Thursday, President Obama issued a presidential proclamation declaring this week “Small Business Week.” The presidential proclamation accurately describes small businesses as the “backbone of our Nation's economy” that “employ tens of millions of workers” and create the “majority of new private sector jobs.” At a time when the national unemployment rate stands at 9.9 percent and an estimated ... Read more »

Employers “Bracing” for Higher Health Care Costs

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In the 2008 presidential campaign, then-candidate Barack Obama unveiled a plan for health care reform to “lower costs to make our health care system work for people and businesses…” However, according to a recent business survey, many employers don’t believe the plan that was promised is the plan that was delivered. “Many employers are bracing for higher health care costs resulting from compliance... Read more »

Small Business Owners on the Losing End of ObamaCare

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Last week, President Obama tried to convince small business owners his health care reform plan was good for their bottom line and their workers. Recent action taken by small business leaders suggests many aren’t buying it, yet the administration continues its aggressive public relations campaign. “The White House, courting small business support for the health care reform law, will issue prelimina... Read more »

What President Obama Forgot to Tell Small Business Owners

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Yesterday, President Obama took his so-called Main Street tour to the streets of New York, where he declared his government takeover of health care would “provide welcome relief to small business owners…” However, recent action taken by small business leaders suggests postcards and stump speeches haven’t convinced them ObamaCare is the “relief” they need. “Attorneys general and governors for 20 st... Read more »

Republicans Urge Careful Consideration of Proposal to Rewrite Civil Rights Laws

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The U.S. House Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions heard testimony today raising serious questions about a proposed overhaul of anti-discrimination laws, including potential unintended consequences of the proposed legislation on a broad range of existing federal and state laws. The Protecting Older Workers Against Discrimination Act (H.R. 3721) seeks to address the recent U.S. ... Read more »

Price Statement: Legislative Hearing on H.R. 3721, the "Protecting Older Workers Against Discrimination Act"

| Posted in Committee Statements

Good morning and thank you, Chairman Andrews. I would like to begin by thanking our distinguished panel for appearing today. We appreciate that they have taken time out of their busy schedules to share their experiences and expertise with us. The issue before us is an important one, and, to put it mildly, more than a little complicated – especially for those of us who are not lawyers. But especial... Read more »

Big Labor in Search for Card Check Deal

| Posted in Secret Ballot Watch

Despite An Unemployment Rate That Continues to Hover Near 10 Percent… "…a year after Obama claimed that the stimulus had started creating jobs, it is not just the general public that believes that the stimulus was a waste of money, so do the experts. This week a new survey from the National Association for Business Economics found that 73 percent of business economists believe that the stimulus ‘... Read more »

Kline Statement on New Obama Administration Policy Driving Up Federal Construction Costs

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Rep. John Kline (R-MN), the U.S. House Education and Labor Committee’s senior Republican member, today warned new Obama Administration rules for federal construction projects will reduce competition and drive up costs for taxpayers. The federal procurement agencies announced the final rule – slated for publication in the Federal Register tomorrow – implementing President Obama’s Executive Order ca... Read more »

“New Direction” Leads to Massive Job Losses

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Since taking control of Congress in January 2007, the Democrat leadership has advanced an agenda that has proven devastating to working families. Speaker Pelosi promised a “new direction,” but the American people weren’t prepared for the more than 7.5 million jobs that would be lost along the way. Below are just a few ways that the Democrat agenda is bad for American workers. 1. Increasing the reg... Read more »

Democrats Learn No Lessons from Failed Stimulus Policies

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After directing a trillion dollars toward failed economic policies, Democrats are coming back for more with a $100 billion spending package eerily similar to last year’s stimulus bill. Billions in borrowed dollars would be directed to state and local governments to cover their budget deficits – saddling future generations with even more debt for a policy that has already failed to bring about last... Read more »

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