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McKeon: Support for Student Loan Program is a Silver Lining for a Troubling Budget

Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon (R-CA), the top Republican on the U.S. House Education and Labor Committee, today highlighted provisions in both the House-passed and Senate-passed budget resolutions that support continuation of a longstanding and successful federal student financial assistance program. While McKeon opposed the budget because he believes it spends too much, taxes too much, and borrows too much, he noted that Congress has clearly expressed bipartisan support for the primary federal student loan program, a welcome development for parents and students planning for the upcoming school year.

“Millions of students and families rely on the Federal Family Education Loan program to turn their dream of a college education into reality,” said McKeon. “Although this year’s budget has been the source of widespread disagreement, an unmistakable consensus has emerged about the importance of preserving this critical program.”

The budget resolution approved by the House makes clear that Congress does not intend to “reduce any assistance that makes college more affordable and accessible for students, including but not limited to student aid programs and services provided by nonprofit State agencies.” It also encourages the Education and Labor Committee to pursue reforms that will maintain a role for FFEL program lenders while minimizing disruptions for students and employees of FFEL program lenders.

Similarly, the Senate-passed budget resolution includes language authored by Senators Lamar Alexander (R-TN), Mike Enzi (R-WY), and other Republicans that underscores the importance of the program. That provision calls for financial aid reforms that maintain a competitive student loan program that provides students and institutions of higher education with a comprehensive choice of loan products and services.

“Republicans have been at the forefront when it comes to creating a simpler, more student-friendly financial aid system that protects the interests of taxpayers while making college more accessible and affordable,” said McKeon. “I look forward to working with members on both sides of the aisle to continue the reform process while maintaining and strengthening a program that has served students and families for more than 40 years.”

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