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McKeon Statement on FY 2010 Budget Resolution

Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon (R-CA), the top Republican on the U.S. House Education and Labor Committee, issued the following statement on the FY 2010 budget resolution:

“With this budget, congressional Democrats are once again taking the easy way out, opting for brazen partisanship over thoughtful policymaking.

“Budget reconciliation was never intended to shield the most pressing policy issues of the day from meaningful debate. By relegating overhaul of the health care system and financial aid reform to this arcane budgetary maneuver, Democrats are dooming these critical issues to the partisan battlefield.

“Although this budget is the culmination of Democrats’ fiscal policy that spends too much, taxes too much, and borrows too much, glimmers of hope can be found. For instance, the budget resolution reiterates the importance of private sector participation in the federal student loan programs, a clear indication that the President’s call for a government takeover of student lending has met with stiff resistance from both sides of the aisle. And on health care, many Democrats remain skeptical of plans to undertake a radical overhaul of our health care system through what amounts to a legislative shortcut.

“On both health care and financial aid, Republicans stand ready to pursue meaningful reforms that protect students, families, and taxpayers. The budget resolution was a lost opportunity for bipartisanship, but Republicans remain steadfast in their commitment to being the party of better solutions.”

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