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Kline Statement on Signing of Health Care “Fix” Bill

“In short, this bill is no ‘fix’ at all.”

Rep. John Kline (R-MN), the U.S. House Education and Labor Committee’s Senior Republican, issued the following statement today in response to President Barack Obama’s signing of the so-called health care “fix it” bill, legislation that pairs significant new taxes, Medicare cuts, and other health care modifications with a government takeover of student lending:


This bill proves how difficult it will be to ‘fix’ legislation as fundamentally flawed as the government takeover of health care. With the stroke of a pen, the President is imposing even higher taxes on job creators, even steeper cuts to Medicare that fail to improve the program’s solvency, and even more government control over our everyday lives. In short, this bill is no ‘fix’ at all. 

“Buried deep within the legislation signed today is a dramatic overhaul of the way Americans pay for college. By replacing a popular student loan model with yet another one-size-fits-all government bureaucracy, the bill sacrifices innovation and competition in student financial assistance while eliminating an estimated 30,000 jobs. Democrats are siphoning billions from student lending to help pay for their government takeover of health care, ignoring its consequences for students, schools, and the American economy

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