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ICYMI: More Relief Available for Students

K-12 Students
The Education Department recently announced more than $54 billion in emergency relief funding is now available to support the safe reopening of K-12 schools. In addition to the money for public schools, there is an additional $2.75 billion to help private K-12 schools serve their students through this pandemic.
Studies show that school closures have had damaging impacts on our nation’s students. A recent paper from McKinsey & Company showed significant learning loss among students, with students of color suffering the most, exacerbating an already growing achievement gap.
The funding allocated to K-12 schools in the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act can be used to assess student progress, identify students who have fallen behind academically, and provide those students with alternative instruction and learning resources that will bring them up to grade level.
College Students
Last week, the Education Department announced more than $21 billion is now available to institutions of higher education. These funds will give students the opportunity to continue their postsecondary learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Schools will use a significant portion of these funds to support students with financial aid grants. The money can also be used to cover technology costs associated with distance education, student support activities, and offset expenses related to combatting the coronavirus.
Bottom Line
Committee Republicans remain committed to ensuring that schools have the resources they need to safely reopen so all students have access to high quality education. 
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